Chapter 51

Churchill who was on the other side of the room asked

_” Who were you talking to in my phone was it my call or you called a friend with it ?” Churchill asked

Bam the Asian girl was not ready to talk about the call

“It was your call but the person hanged up immediately I answered. I tried asking for the person’s name and a little introduction but wasn’t given.” Bam replied

“ Okay but Bam I have told you time without number not to answer my calls when am not around it’s annoying and I don’t like that” Churchill said

He was so busy that he couldn’t take the phone to go through to see who called he went back to what he was doing without questioning Bam for a clear explanation.

Julia was really hurt. Still parked by the roadside she drove as fast as she could to get home.

If any car had crossed her they would have gotten into a clash which would have caused and accident.

Everything kept popping up in mind as she drove.

What Ben said the picture and the Asian lady she didn’t botherto a
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