Not competent enough

Nathan described Dean's personality as too calm and thoughtful. Looking at him, Nathan had to say the man knew when to talk. Even when he was upset, he didn't dare show it. Anyone would think he was just saying his opinions randomly. But Nathan could sense anger in his voice and harshness to his words.

Bernardo sat in his chair as the board members said their opinions. Of course, the majority were against Nathan taking over so suddenly. Some thought he was a stranger and Dean was the right person to take charge of. Some thought neither of the men were qualified because they just came to the company.

“This is our livelihood….this company has existed for years…as the board…we want an efficient boss…someone knowledgeable and can lead us to success," an elderly man said as the entire conference room was in utter silence. His name was Mr. Richardson. According to Robert, whispering things to him. Mr. Richardson had been partners with Bernardo for years. He was wealthy and a great business
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