The Rise Of The Unknown Zillionaire Heir

17 ratings

The Rise Of The Unknown Zillionaire Heir

By: Gem Lynne CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 232 views: 147.2K

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After doing his best to make his demanding and easily-irritated wife happy, Duncan never imagined that he would catch her sexually pleasuring another man on the night of his birthday. He feels broken and that same night, his marriage with her ended but one thing he had never believed was to see a fleet of cars stop by him and a dozen of men address him as 'Young Master Walton'. When he gets to know that his real mother who he had assumed abandoned him was the great mysterious Lady Zelda and he was the only heir to her business worth zillions of dollars, he rises to supremacy and starts to weaken the knees of those who crushed him before.

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  • Gem Lynne


    Hello, my amazing Readers. I've got another book cooked for you guys titled - The Invincible Top G. You don't want to miss this. It's currently over 100 chapters, so support your dear writer by checking it out, adding it to your library and enjoy. ...️...️...️ Your humble writer, Gem Lynne ...

    2024-06-07 04:12:33
  • Alfred Mashall


    well from the chapter I am right now am a bit confused because am sensing Duncan falling I love with Karla and Abigail anybody who ve gone far with the story should update me

    2024-02-14 03:19:27
  • Twilight Writings


    Truly a nice read.

    2023-08-18 10:01:35
  • Glenn John Alejandro


    nice story

    2023-08-06 10:11:23
  • Gem Lynne


    Hello guys, I've brought again another fascinating book and I promise you all that's it's going to be the best of my list of books. Kindly read and comment. Thank you ...

    2023-06-26 21:18:08
  • Nene Flor


    cant wait to finish reading all chapters.. i do hope Duncan will end with Karla

    2024-04-07 05:24:10
  • nirzak


    Just showing some love gifting gems

    2024-03-19 02:15:14
  • Cranston Richmond


    I would like to listen to the book but I'm unable to do so

    2024-02-04 20:16:13
  • JoAnn


    This is a very good story, would love to read more.

    2024-01-23 14:27:10
  • David Whitelock


    I really like the story I can’t stop myself from reading it and looking for updates!!

    2023-12-11 22:40:26
  • jonald bundang


    good novel

    2023-09-24 22:23:59
  • Rezowan


    A good one

    2023-09-19 22:29:48
  • Uriel Meletus


    nice book I really like it

    2023-09-16 01:10:09
  • Calvin Bundala


    Very Nice book

    2023-08-25 17:54:26
  • JB Kings


    it is a lovely book tho it take time before posted pls rectify

    2023-08-28 20:25:19
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Latest Chapter
232 chapters
Chapter 1
Duncan South had always been living a life of worthlessness despite being married to Zinnia Lennart, the beauty goddess of the city. He was disregarded by her and demeaned by her family. He faced humiliation everyday with great tolerance because of the love he had for his wife. "Zinnia, can you please help me with some money?" He asked his wife one evening when she returned from work. It was the time of the month when he had to pay the monthly hospital bills for his sick Mother and he had nothing. "You're shameless and worthless," she told him and poured out all the insults at him before going to the bathroom. He didn't know what to do. He told the doctor and asked for a few days to gather the money. The doctor was benevolent to grant him his request. The following day, the Lennart family is having breakfast. Duncan was feeling the cups of everyone with a kettle of tea. Then he remembered that his birthday was in a few days. He didn't know what pushed him to tell the family
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Chapter 2
Duncan's entire body vibrated and his heart sank like the titanic as he stood at the door watching them. He felt dumb and numb for a while. The man who appeared to be around the same age as Duncan, or likely to be two or four years older than him, was frantically enjoying his wife. Their moans suddenly filled the room and Duncan slowly clenched his fists. He couldn't stop tears from welling up in his eyes and rendering his vision of his wife who suddenly wrapped her legs around the man's waist. He felt more disgusted by how she was sensually muttering some words to the man which he couldn't make out of. It was a pure sign that she was enjoying the throb made of their bodies. They were lost in their crazy pleasure, and so were oblivious to the fact that Duncan was standing at the door, a few meters away. As he choked back his tears, not wanting a drop to fall, he gnashed his teeth as they began rolling on the bed, bodies intertwined. The rage that started building inside him was ext
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Chapter 3
Seeing the shock on his face, Zinnia laughed again. "Let me do the honor to clear you of any confusion. I don't feel bad for cheating on you because you've cheated on me too by marrying me through deceptive means. You could have refused the proposal of my father then but you agreed to marry me and cause me humiliation every single day. You don't know how many times I've broken down when I'm being reminded that I, Zinnia Lennart, got married to a useless shit for brains. You're an idiot, Duncan."Duncan watched the other family members laugh at him mockingly and still gathered the strength to talk in his appalled state.His eyes brimmed with tears. "Zinnia, I wanted to give you a surprise on this special night of my birthday."Everyone roared in laughter again except for Zinnia who eyed him with disgust."What could you have got to surprise me qwith? A cheap bouquet or cake? Or a worthless bracelet?"Duncan shook his head and sniffed. "It was a…""Shut up!" She silenced him and held up
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Chapter 4
*** Some Minutes Earlier *** A woman in her early 50s is sitting on a grand couch, her expression heavy with emotion. She takes a sip from her flute glass of wine, the rich red liquid reflecting the dim fluorescent light shining directly at her. The room is dark but exudes an air of luxury and exclusivity. The woman lifts up her chin a bit and stares at a picture on a long, exclusive cupboard, the image of a young boy around 7 years old. Her eyes are fixed on the photo, revealing a deep sense of longing or sadness. The dim fluorescent light casts a soft glow on the room but also highlights the shadows that seem to envelop the woman's form. Despite the opulence of the surroundings, her mood is somber and melancholic. As she slowly dropped her gaze, her eyes seeming to be welling up, her phone rang. She reluctantly picks up her phone, answering the call. "Hello, Luke…" "Ma'am Zelda, I…wait, what are you doing? Please, don't tell me you are drinking again." The woman's heavy
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Chapter 5
No word was able to fall out of Duncan's mouth as Luke placed the credit card in his hand. He felt like slapping himself out of the dream world he supposed he was but when Luke shook him a little and quickly apologized as he glanced at him, he realized everything that was happening was real."Sorry, young Master. I didn't mean to shock you."What do you mean? You've already shocked me beyond imagination, Duncan thought.Then he dropped his gaze to the gold credit card that was gleaming and screaming magnificence. No, this does not sound real, he thought again, looking away. He hadn't met the man before and due to his shallow mind, he again thought they were frauds.I know what you guys are up to but I won't fall into your traps, he said in his mind."Young Master Walton, I know you must be shocked beyond my imagination, but, please, Lady Zelda awaits you.""Who's she?" Duncan asked, his forehead creasing."She's…" Luke abruptly paused and glanced away. "You'll get to know her more i
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Chapter 6
"The Golden exclusive suite?" The ladies asked in astonishment.Duncan nodded. "Yes."In the Emporium Hotel, the rooms and suites were categorized into three. They had the bronze class, the silver class, and the golden-class rooms.Average people are those who book the bronze- class rooms while the silver-class rooms were booked by the high-class people. The Golden- class rooms are meant for extremely wealthy peopleThe Golden Exquisite suite is worth thousands of dollars per night and is specially reserved for those who could afford it.It's the room meant for the one who owns the hotel but given off in the absence of the person."If you're kidding, then you should know that we aren't the kind of people to tolerate your expensive joke. Kindly leave before we get the security guards to bundle and throw you out.""And before you ask for a room or suite which you could afford, I'm pleased to tell you that there's no room or suite available for someone of your kind. Such things like you
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Chapter 7
Grrrr! Grrrrr! Grrrrr!Duncan ignored the loud beeping of his phone which was lying on the bed as he immersed his body a little deeper into the bathtub filled with steaming water and petals.He enjoyed the way his muscles relaxed and how comfortable he was feeling. The feeling was awesome. Something he had never felt in his life. The bathtub had been prepared for him as part of the special treat he'll get from booking the Golden Exquisite suite. When his phone rang the third time, he slowly opened his eyes and got out of the bathtub. He slid into the white bathrobe, tying the ropes as he left the bathroom.He took the phone and answered the call."Young Master, it's me, Luke. I'm outside the hotel. Should I come…?""Uh, no. I'll be out there in five minutes.""Okay, but, we got you something nice to wear to see Lady Zelda."Duncan furrowed his eyebrows and walked to the window, shifting the curtains a bit, he looked down to see a dozen cars lined up in front of the building. He s
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Chapter 8
"Young Master, this Lady Zelda," Luke introduced, forcing Duncan to blink uncontrollably in awe.He couldn't believe he was standing in front of the reputable Lady Zelda. He had heard some things about her but he never believed he would see her in person. Actually, it was the first time he was seeing Lady Zelda and the most shocking thing was that she addressed him as her son.How could that be possible? Duncan thought, but upon taking a close look at her, he looked away as her face became familiar. "Duncan. Son …""Er, sorry, ma'am, but I think there's a mistake here. I'm Duncan South and I am not your son. In fact, I don't even know your son. I guess I've been caught up in something untrue. Pardon me, I had just followed Luke here, thinking he was fooling me. I will take my leave now.""No, Duncan." Lady Zelda grabbed his arm, stopping him from leaving. Her eyes welled with tears. "My son, there's no misunderstanding. I am your mother. You've been away from me for about two decades
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Chapter 9
When Duncan returned to the hotel, he thought of going to his suite but found himself heading to the lot. He took out the car key in his pocket, got into his car, and drove off without having any destination in his head. He drove around the city, his thoughts consumed by recent revelations about his life. He wasn't feeling happy despite the fact that he has discovered that he is the son of a wealthy family. His mind was clouded with the betrayal of his wife, the shocking confession of his adopted mother, and the struggle to accept the truth because he felt his real mother sort of abandoned him, making him regret seeing her. As he drove, Duncan got lost in his thoughts, barely registering the sights and sounds around him, until, suddenly, his car brushed past another car, forcing him to halt behind the car as he came to his senses. The supposed driver of the car came out and yelled at him. "Are you blind? Don't you know how to drive!" Duncan stared at the man from head to toe. H
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Chapter 10
As her eyes met his, a flicker of recognition sparkled within her."You?" Karla mumbled, not able to believe that it was no other person than Duncan standing before her with an air of confidence and strength.Shock washed over her, momentarily distracting her from the dangerous circumstances.Duncan eyed her before taking a careful step forward as the menacing thief glared at him and with a swift and purposeful stride, he covered the distance between himself and the thief. Like a predator stalking its prey, he moved skillfully, seizing the upper hand.In a display of sheer power that marveled Karla, he manhandled the thief, forcing him to release his grip on Karla.Not letting the opportunity pass, Karla's bravery surged forth and with a sudden burst of strength and agility, she unleashed a roundhouse kick that landed powerfully against the thief's side, incapacitating him further. It was a tribute to her resilience and determination.Though, still in shock, Duncan grabbed her hand an
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