Saved from Death

Chapter 92

Nathan traced his way outside the hall to the spot where Charles and Henry had been waiting for him. Immediately after they saw him stepping out, they hurried toward him.

“What happened? Did you say Charlotte was taken?”

Charles was tempted to compliment Nathan’s suit but that wasn’t the bone of contention.

“So Henry and I came out seeking Charlotte and we saw Greg struggling at a corner. He was in a bad state and he told us that Charlotte was taken.”

“Damn it!” Nathan replied and slapped his thighs.

“The thing is.” Charles continued. “I’m suspecting she’s being kept in a van down there at the parking lot.”

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go.” Nathan said.

Charles took the lead while Nathan and Henry followed. Nathan was about to take another step but was alarmed by a tap on his left shoulder.

“Where are you going boss?” Jackson asked.

Nathan sighed. “We suspect that some bad guys are keeping our friend in a van at the parking lot so we want to go and help save he
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