Back From Prison!

23 ratings

Back From Prison!

By: KMyay CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 344 views: 130.3K

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Jonathan Wang was a young man from distant lands who ventured to the city of Elite Summit to forge his own destiny. After years of ceaseless toil and dedication, he successfully established a business empire valued in the multi-millions of dollars. Following his triumphant rise, he united in matrimony with one Orla William. Before long, however, his brother-in-law, Harding William, conspired to enact a most unsavory plot involving Adela Kyle - the youngest heiress of a wealthy family. Yet, rather than act upon his own malevolent intentions, he administered an aphrodisiac, leading Jonathan to share the bed with Adela unwittingly. Consequently, Jonathan was wrongfully sentenced to over six and a half years of incarceration on charges of rape. Upon his release, he discovered a truth that cut him to the quick: his child had been sold to the Thomas family by Orla, his wife, who harbored intentions of betrothing another man. This time, emerging from the cold confines of the prison, Jonathan returned with an unshakeable resolve to reclaim what was his and bring the William family to heel, along with the Thomas family, and indeed any house that dared oppose him. For he was now the reigning lord of Top-Sky House: the most formidable alliance in all spheres of commerce, military, and healthcare. He stood unchallenged at the helm, a titan fearing no one!

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  • KhoaVu


    Nice bookkk

    2024-01-01 21:50:07
  • Micheaux Sanders


    This story is so hard to read

    2023-03-16 05:02:51
  • Hana BLink


    Jonathan is a strong and great man. I like him too ...

    2022-12-16 21:54:51
  • Hana BLink


    Jonathan is a strong and great man. I like him too ...

    2022-12-16 21:53:13
  • Bridget Arnold


    waiting for your new chapter

    2022-12-10 02:59:47
  • KMyay


    Regarding grammatical errors I will try to improve them ^^ I am still trying every day to perfect my story. Hopefully, readers can join me in improving those things ۵ I'm going to revise the story chapters to be as stable as possible. I hope my book is well received...۵۵۵

    2022-12-07 01:17:57
  • KMyay


    I hope you'll read and support my book ۵

    2022-12-06 00:17:41
  • Rally Dizer


    The author needs a proofreader to check rewrite this cause it's not well written.

    2023-02-11 17:58:27
  • Ramon Magpayo


    Maybe give us the book 2 of this story no matter how it grammar works until it easy to understand, no problem at all...

    2024-06-28 07:49:13
  • Gail Stema


    Awesome book

    2024-06-19 02:23:01
  • Pedrojr Pandongit


    more chapter, I like it

    2024-06-15 00:31:06
  • Abdul Ahad


    Need more story

    2024-03-18 08:16:33
  • iluvu


    ......... i love this book!

    2024-02-17 03:01:13
  • Josh Simmons


    If this is how this story ends then it is really terrible

    2024-02-01 06:47:24
  • No L An


    Sweet revenge story! Definitely a must-read novel!

    2024-01-27 12:01:11
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Latest Chapter
344 chapters
Chapter 1: Out Of Prison.
Prison No. 1 - Southwest Direction. Jonathan Wang, clad in an aged coat, stood outside the iron gate, peering up at the sky with a hint of desolation in his eyes, squinting slightly. His wife’s words from the past echoed in his ears. “I only have one little brother, who is still too naive. If you expose him, resulting in his imprisonment, it’ll be the end of his life. Jonathan Wang, as things have escalated, please take all the blame. Once you’ve served a few years in jail, we can live together again!” Six years ago, at a social gathering, his brother-in-law drugged a young woman, intending to violate her. However, when they got her into the room and started undressing her, he discovered she was not just any girl but the daughter of a prominent family in Elite Summit. He was so terrified that he lost all control. If he were to violate her, there would undoubtedly be serious consequences. But the drugged girl was not in her senses, her body burning with heat, indicating that the d
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Chapter 2: Hospital Noise
"I dare anyone to proceed with the surgery!" The booming, angry voice echoed through the room, and Jonathan, with a furious look, entered with Tommy. All eyes filled with rage were focused on him. "Who the hell are you to make a scene in front of the Thomas family? Let me tell you, I'm Devlin Thomas, my friends here in Elite Summit call me 'Thomas the Second'. Show some sense and scram, and I'll generously let you off the hook!" Devlin Thomas wanted to hurry up with the surgery, fearing further delay might lead to complications. Therefore, he decided not to pick a fight with this newcomer. He proactively introduced himself so that this man, hearing of his fame, would know better than to stick around. This man, Thomas's reputation, is highly esteemed in Elite Summit, enough to induce fear in everyone. Jonathan looked at him and said coldly: "I've heard of your fame, but have you ever heard of me?" Everyone in the waiting room of the operating theatre observed, noticing that the
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Chapter 3: Get Justice For The Daughter!
“Save my daughter first!” Jonathan was anxious to see Carla and had no time to deal with these people. Devlin’s face was unsightly, but he dared not speak. Without Carla Wang’s marrow, his daughter would also die. But if he insisted on transplanting Carla Wang’s marrow into Neala, the Thomas family would be done for! “Aren’t you leaving yet!” Kane angrily looked at his second son. Why was he still standing there frozen at a time like this? Just then, the operating room door opened. A young girl with a pale face, leading a plump little girl by the hand, came out. The little girl looked very well-behaved, her eyes similar to Jonathan’s, but she was somewhat chubby compared to girls her age due to excessive pampering. This wasn’t Carla Wang, Jonathan’s daughter, then who was she? Jonathan’s eyes flashed with a momentary blaze, teary-eyed. “Enough with the noise. I won’t undergo surgery anymore! Carla is still a child, and please spare her! Grandpa, Dad, I don’t want to go thro
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Chapter 4: Wife Wants A Divorce!
Looking at the small villa before his eyes, Jonathan was far from happy. He had started working in his youth and founded an architectural firm worth hundreds of millions of dollars. When he married Orla, he bought this small villa worth a few million dollars. He had treated her sincerely, but all he received in return was betrayal and imprisonment...! Knock, knock, knock! Jonathan knocked on the door. Soon, the door opened from the inside. The person opening the door for Jonathan was a stunningly beautiful woman, well-maintained with a creamy complexion. Jonathan stared at her momentarily, a sense of unfamiliarity hanging between them as if several lifetimes had passed. "You're back?" Orla, too, seemed shocked, her face alarmed: "You got out yesterday. I had some issues and couldn't meet you. Can you understand?" "It's fine, and I'm out now anyway. What's this? Are you blocking the door to keep me out?" Jonathan asked a playful edge in her eyes. "Alright, come in..." As he
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Chapter 5: The Seriousness!
"No need." Jonathan shook his head and suddenly looked straight at Orla: "We can divorce, but only after Carla's birthday. Carla said he missed you, and his birthday is in two days. I hope you can attend Carla's birthday as a mother! After Carla's birthday, we will immediately go to the Bureau of Civil Affairs to proceed with the divorce." He wanted to give Carla a birthday party with both parents by his side. That would be their last birthday together! "Carla? Have you seen Carla?" Orla's face was full of shock. Wasn't Carla at the Thomas's preparing to donate marrow to Thomas's daughter? How could Jonathan see Carla? "I've brought Carla back from the Thomas's. We can divorce, and I can leave the house penniless, but I have one condition: it's that." Jonathan struggled to suppress the anger in his heart and said as calmly as possible. He felt outraged by thinking about Orla personally selling Carla to Thomas. For the money, this woman could even sell her child! Was there anythi
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Chapter 6: Find a Way to Harm!
"Mr. Thomas, it's been a year. You can't just revoke like this!" Edward, who had a share in this fifty million USD, immediately said: "Mister Thomas, integrity is crucial in business. You're the head of the Thomas family, yet you behave like this. What kind of credibility will you have in the future?" "Fifty million USD, I give you two days to prepare together if you can't, use your company and mansion to offset the debt! Of course, you can try other tactics to make me concede. I, Devlin, am prepared for it all!" Devlin was adamant in his stance, but when he turned to Jonathan, he asked with some hesitation: "Young Wang, what do you think?" He did this because he wanted to figure out Orla's actions, deliberately wanting to help Young Wang reclaim his assets, hoping that this could earn Young Wang's forgiveness. Young Wang might not necessarily care about the company and this mansion, but they were still his properties, which outsiders should not touch. "Jonathan, please plead wit
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Chapter 7: The Half-Fish Girl.
The following day was Carla's birthday. After dropping Carla off at daycare, Roger drove Jonathan to an old food market in the western part of the city. Just as they exited the car, a sharp smell greeted them. Being an affluent figure like Roger, he was uncomfortable. But accompanying the young master, no matter how uncomfortable, he had to bear it. "Young master, the Adela Kyle you're looking for... she's selling fish here, at that stall." Roger pointed to the fish-selling area where a young girl wearing a waterproof apron skillfully conversed with the fish buyers. Despite having a gorgeous face and lofty lady status, Adela Kyle was now tragically reduced to selling fish in a market. Although he wasn't the cause of her predicament, seeing how Adela has lived these past few years, he felt profoundly remorseful and pained. According to the information Roger obtained, Adela's father had passed away a long time ago. However, Adela was strong, had worked hard since childhood, and
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Chapter 8: The Haunted Six Years Ago!
"I am Jonathan Wang." Adela's face darkened so instantly that it was noticeable. Her expression was a complicated mix of bitterness and resentment. The name "Jonathan Wang" had appeared countless times in her six-year-long nightmare!! "It's you!!!" She used to be a Lofty Lady, but everything was destroyed by this man, Jonathan! She was mocked by people, banished by her family, and despised by her relatives! She and her mother have been living meekly in this cold city, like two homeless dogs, for six years. At this moment, Adela's eyes were bloodshot, filled with fury. "It's me." Jonathan admitted. You can't escape some things, and he knew he had to face them. Back then, he violated her while trying to save her. Although he had hurt her, it was also the truth. Smack! "Go away! Get away from me, as far as possible, and never appear before me again! My mother doesn't need your help! Go away..." Adela slapped him with a force that seemed to have come from the sky, and she scre
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Chapter 9: Find A Way To Compensate.
After Jonathan returned to the villa, he saw Carla still awake, watching cartoons with Roger. Jonathan glanced at his watch, noticing it was past nine o'clock, and gently said: "Carla, it’s getting late, how about we continue watching cartoons tomorrow?” Carla pouted and reluctantly replied: "Okay.” “Uncle Jake, let's turn off the TV.” Roger took the remote to turn off the TV and patted Carla’s head: “Carla is so good.” “How about daddy goes to sleep too?” Carla ran towards Jonathan and jumped into his arms. “Sure, Carla, go to your room and sleep first, daddy will go to bed soon.” Jonathan looked at his daughter, then suddenly remembered something and asked: "Carla, you have school tomorrow, and the day after is your sixth birthday. What gift would you like?” “I want... a big plane, a teddy bear, and…” “You can only have one wish.” Although Jonathan doted on his daughter, he couldn't spoil her with everything. Carla sadly said: “Yeah... a teddy bear.” “Yes, that’s being go
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Chapter 10: Can Only Agree!
Hearing Edgar’s command, a few men eager to please him quickly subdued Adela. At that moment, all eyes in the workplace turned towards her with curiosity and bewilderment. Wasn't this girl connected to Director Jones? How did it turn out like this? Edgar, his face red and his groin still in pain, walked unsteadily. “Haha…” Some employees, guessing what had happened, couldn’t help but laugh. “What are you laughing at? Is there something funny?” Edgar bellowed, then approached the struggling Adela, scolding her sternly: “Women like you are so lacking in manners! I clearly told you, your academic qualifications are not enough to enter our company, yet you shamelessly persisted, trying to seduce me with your beauty! When I rejected you, you were so angry that you even attacked me! Shameless women like you deserve a lesson, to be taken to the police station for re-education, and should be exposed on social media to correct your behavior!” His words were nothing but slander against Ad
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