Chapter Twenty Five

As Marco pulled into the school car park in his gleaming white Rolls-Royce, the other students couldn't help but stare. Some of them even stopped mid-conversation to gawk at him, their whispers growing louder as he parked the car and stepped out.

"Isn't that Marco?" someone whispered.

"Wow!" another said.

Marco's grin was wide as he made his way toward the school entrance, enjoying the attention he was receiving. He knew he looked good, and the Rolls Royce only added to his already impressive image.

But he couldn't wait to see the look on the trio's faces as he passed them, they should know not to mess with him.

He didn't want to come with all this in the first place but he decided to throw caution into the wind and be spontaneous for once, his father encouraged him to live the life that he didn't get the chance to.

The whispers continued as he walked through the halls of the school, his classmates staring at him in disbelief. Marco could feel their envy and jealousy radiating toward
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