The Peerless Man With a Thousand Gifts

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The Peerless Man With a Thousand Gifts

By: Kaiser Ken Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 264 views: 58.8K

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Victor Damone's in-laws stole his life savings, convinced his beautiful wife he was a loser, and urged her to date a billionaire outside of marriage. When the bankrupt Victor fails to pay for his dying grandfather's treatment, he decides to return to his mysterious old life. One in which the entire world kneels before him. Victor will show his in-laws and everyone who underestimated him that he is a legendary, peerless man with a thousand gifts.

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  • Zelle Keos



    2024-03-27 04:11:51
  • Randa Yamout


    excellent,but the down side is having such a spineless and an idiot of a wife, so annoying to always out female characters as easy to manipulate by anyone

    2024-02-17 21:30:10
  • Carl


    the plot is so good it makes me breathless

    2023-08-23 05:06:17
  • Brian Emmons


    Good but needs more chapters uploaded more often

    2023-06-14 09:44:17
  • Walter


    A good low harem novel.....

    2023-06-09 09:54:49
  • Gua Finn


    Roger is all pretend

    2023-04-07 13:52:26
  • Carl Lin


    love how the MC ignores the hot women

    2023-03-26 07:53:26
  • Rex Magnus


    The author is doing a great job! can't wait for chapter ten.

    2023-03-17 02:06:18
  • Esau Oywaya


    nice story

    2023-07-03 00:02:21
  • Diih Mahnz


    another Two or Three more chapter.. The story keeps getting interesting everytime

    2024-04-16 19:53:48
  • sinaka goava


    the story is captivating and very intriguing

    2024-04-08 10:35:34
  • Daniel Johnson


    what will next, after they dug up the grave?

    2024-03-10 16:39:38
  • Daniel Johnson


    anther chapter please

    2024-03-08 21:50:10
  • Brian


    Great book action packed

    2023-09-14 01:04:49
  • Adaeze


    This story is really good but could you please upload more chapters a week?

    2023-09-07 00:14:51
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Latest Chapter
264 chapters
001 Confrontation
Victor Damone barged into his father-in-law's house, searching for his wife. "Where are you, Carol?"Rushing into the living room, he saw her seated between her middle-aged parents, Ronald and Martha. Both in-laws made sour faces as soon as they saw him.Carol looked gorgeous as always, with her chocolate-colored hair and dark-brown eyes. Her brother, Josh, a chubby guy in a sports jacket, relaxed on a couch sporting a smug expression.The setup looked as if they were prepared to confront him. But he had had enough of their antics. This time they had crossed a line."Where is my money, Carol?" Victor asked, glaring at his wife."What is the meaning of this?" Ronald barked, getting to his feet. "How dare you come into my house without my permission?"Ronald Atelier used to be a billionaire, heir to his father, Reginald's company. But he lost most of his inheritance through bad investments and mismanagement. Moreover, making his spendthrift son the CEO was the final nail in the coffin. J
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002 Betrayed
Victor’s noble gesture had proved pointless. Carol had backstabbed him by taking his money and mortgaging the only precious asset born out of their marriage. The same house they lived in! And all that for her spoiled brother who never cared for her!Did she even care about their marriage? What sort of self-serving family had he married into? All he wanted was to live a simple life. But his circumstances had gotten worse with time."Isn't your grandfather over ninety years old already?" Martha muttered. She had been silent all along but decided to voice her opinion, now that she saw her son-in-law lose his bearings. "Let that old man kick the bucket. There's no point in patching him up at his age. Josh is young and can make better use of the money."Victor shot his mother-in-law a murderous glance, but she stared back at him defiantly. How could the hag say something so terrible? His mind raced, and he suspected something was definitely wrong. His in-laws appeared more aggressive than
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003 The Setup
The doorbell rang, and Ronald hastened to open the door with enthusiasm. It was as if he had been expecting guests. An immaculately dressed man stepped in with two guards accompanying him. He wore an expensive Armani suit, and a gold Piaget watch jingled on his wrist."James?" Carol exclaimed, recognizing the stranger. "What are you doing here? You look… different."The billionaire put on a charming smile. "Hi, Carol. I'm so glad you haven't forgotten me. I came to this locality to sign a five-million-dollar housing project and decided to visit you while I am here."Ronald and Martha's eyes lit up. The billionaire talked about five million dollars so casually, which meant his net worth was several billion.James was heir to the Colberts, the fifth most wealthy family in Springfield city. Recently, he was made CEO of the company and now exerted much influence. In fact, they had invited him to their house that day to meet Carol."You are always welcome here, Mr. Colbert," Martha and Ron
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004 Last Resort
Victor's mind was reeling, and his in-laws' insults gave him acid reflux. He had to escape the toxic environment before he did something terrible. He cast a sideways glance at his wife and rushed out of the house. 'I need to get the fee for grandpa's surgery somehow,' he thought, walking down the street. 'Perhaps I can borrow the amount.'Victor placed a call to his paternal uncle, George Damone. "Uncle, please help. I need six hundred thousand urgently for grandpa's treatment. Could you loan me the money, please?"He heard a high-pitched female voice from the other end. He recognized the voice as his aunt-in-law. "We don't have that kind of money!" she spat with contempt. "Especially for that old fart! He can die and stop being such a burden to everyone!" The call disconnected.Victor let out a cry of exasperation. George's wife despised the Damone family. At least whatever was left of it. Old man Edgar Damone's company used to be profitable. He had two sons and a daughter who inve
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005 Against All Odds
A coded message was transmitted to certain chosen individuals across the globe.Somewhere in the Indian Ocean, a high-ranked general inside a war submarine received a low-frequency ping.A hard-boiled woman sitting in the back of a traveling truck in the Sahara desert found a message on her satellite phone.An elite commander leading a guerrilla team in the ganglands of Venezuela received a communication on his radio.A world leader delivering a speech to millions of followers read an urgent message on his phone.A beautiful woman on a private jet jumped for joy when her manager whispered the news to her. The exceptional individuals who received the message either mouthed or thought the same words. "Emperor Caesar is back!"***Victor decided to walk back home. He wasn't expecting Carol's return anytime soon. She was sensitive about her family and would go to great lengths to defend them. Moreover, she never realized that they wanted to exploit her. Victor had tolerated their abuse i
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006 Did You Cheat On Me?
Carol's color faded, and her husband could see the guilt plastered across her face."I…""You were with the billionaire James Colbert, weren't you?" he barked. He grabbed a few rolls of notes and crushed them in his fist. "Is this his dirty money?" His wife shook her head in distress. "No, you have misunderstood, dear. I just went for a drink with him and left early. That's all. He was willing to pay for the treatment if I met him once. James is not as bad as you make him out to be, dear."Anger flashed on Victor's face. "Do you know why I married you, Carol? Because you were a virtuous woman with principles. You cannot imagine how devastating it is to see you pimping yourself out!"Tears welled up in Carol's eyes. "What are you saying, dear? Don't you trust me?" But her husband wasn't listening to her. He approached the fireplace, opened the bag, and emptied the money into the embers. The six hundred thousand dollars went up in flames. "Have you lost it, Victor??" she exclaimed, gr
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007 Cold Treatment
Sophia Baker was one in a million. She was Harvard-educated, born into a doctor family, and had resounding success in the medical world at a young age. She was only twenty-seven years old but had already surpassed many big-league peers. The female doctor was a leading researcher and authority in cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery. An insider had leaked the news that she had performed surgeries on various royal family members across nations.Sophia was such a voluptuous beauty that TIME magazine featured her as the sexiest doctor of the decade. The bombshell had a million followers on I*******m. She was fashionable and filthy rich; even popular international brands signed her to promote their products.That international celebrity Sophia Baker would arrive in Springfield to treat a random elderly patient shocked the hospital administrators. Edgar Damone used to be a successful businessman, but now he was just an infirm old man whose name was relatively unknown in Springfield. Why was
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008 Jealous Wife
Did Sophia perform the surgery for a charitable organization? Carol nodded to herself. That would make sense since Victor had no money to compensate such a top-notch doctor. Perhaps the same organization also paid the original six hundred thousand demanded by Springfield Hospital.Carol wanted to clarify this from Sophia but did not dare to ask. The female doctor had an intimidating personality which made her unapproachable. Moreover, she had just saved Edgar's life, and it would be rude and ungrateful to ask such intrusive questions. The celebrity doctor was at par with her in looks, but her confidence and attitude made her even more attractive."Can you hand me your husband's unlocked phone?" Sophia asked Carol. "I need to save my number."Carol was confused by the unconventional request. Why wasn't she directly asking Victor to save her contact number? Regardless, she obliged and handed his phone to her after unlocking it. Sophia was expressionless while she typed a number, gave a
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009 Plan Foiled
When James Colbert reached the operation ward, he found Edgar’s surgery had already begun. He made sure Victor and Carol did not see him. James waited at the ICU corridor’s reception patiently. He flirted with the cute receptionist to pass the time. Not only was he a trustee of the Springfield Public Hospital, but his father had donated millions over the years. Therefore, every staff member treated him like royalty.Soon, Dr. Sophia Baker exited the operation theater and went to talk to the Damone couple. Then she returned via the corridor to take the elevator to the terrace. James rushed forward to talk to her. At first, he was tongue-tied to see how attractive she was. The female doctor was in a figure-hugging lab coat, and her long hair was curled fashionably. She had a hint of freshened makeup, and her skin was radiant. His immediate reaction was to try and impress her.“Miss Baker. I am an honored trustee of this hospital… My name is James-”“I don’t need to know you,” Sophia cu
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010 The Wife’s Suspicion
“Victor… look at the bill,” Carol said with a troubled expression. “The organization she mentioned may have paid for the surgery fee, but there are other charges amounting to one million dollars!”Little did she know that ‘the organization’ was simply a pseudonym for the gold-lined card Victor possessed. It was loaded with a billion dollars, replenished as soon as a withdrawal was made. The ancillary charges were filed by Sophia separately, perhaps because she needed an excuse to call him.Victor did not reply to Carol but just nodded. His thoughts were elsewhere. Edgar was to be transferred to a private chamber, which would cost fifty thousand per day primarily because of his delicate condition. However, he could recover peacefully there, with private duty nurses attending him 24x7.“How do you plan to pay the ancillary fees of the cardiac surgeon?” Carol asked. “Tell me.”“I will talk it out with Dr. Baker,” he said coldly.Talk it out? Carol’s heart sank. Why was Victor so casual ab
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