Chapter 25
"Shut up!" Jean cut her off angrily. "I have a much better understanding than you on how to choose a suitable candidate. I believe that Remus has potential and will become a force to be reckoned with. He will not disappoint me! I don't want to hear you degrading him from now on, understand?"

The Imperial Villa was one of Adam's properties, and he was honorably given the title of Working Emperor. Jean knew Adam well, and he wouldn't have lent out his mansion to anyone if he wasn’t close to them. So, it showed that Remus had a special bond with Adam and must have learned how to manage a business!

"Understood." Naomi stopped resisting and gave Remus the documents. "Mr. Remus, here are all the documents. Please check if there are any issues."

Remus was on the verge of breaking down as he was clueless about business management.

"Remus, have confidence in yourself." Jean looked at him sincerely. "I believe you'll succeed one day and make everyone look up to you, okay?"

Meeting her gaz
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