Chapter 2439 Unreasonable Demands
Levi fell silent.

“Auntie, I shouldn’t have told you. Just pretend you didn’t hear it. Otherwise, Chance will be very sad.”

Nicole forced a smile and patted his head.

“Okay, I didn’t hear anything. But you should stay away from the Ferguson family’s affairs in the future.”

Levi pursed his lips and snorted.

“Chance is afraid of him, but I’m not. He won’t dare to do anything to me!”

Clayton chuckled at the side and nodded in agreement.

“That’s true. Our Levi is amazing and doesn’t have to be scared of anyone. Also, not everyone is afraid of him.”

Levi nodded.

Clayton patted his head. “Finish this. I’ll treat you to dinner later. How about KFC?”

Nicole stared at him without speaking.

Levi said, “Daddy won’t let me eat KFC.”

“But I want to eat it, and I promised Chatty to buy some back for her. I can’t just break my promise!”

Clayton helplessly shrugged and explained to Nicole.

Nicole rolled her eyes. “Who asked you to agree to these unreasonable demands?”

Clayton said weakl
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