Chapter 22

The young wizard, now known as Arin, returned to the castle where he had first met the Council of Wizards. He was no longer the inexperienced apprentice who had stumbled upon an ancient artifact, but a seasoned wizard with battle scars and knowledge of the dark arts.

As he walked through the grand halls of the castle, memories flooded back to him. He remembered the first time he had met Necros, the battle that had taken place, and the sacrifices that had been made.

As Arin approached the council room, he could hear heated discussions taking place inside. He paused for a moment to listen, but the voices were muffled. He took a deep breath and pushed open the heavy wooden door.

Inside the room, he saw the council members gathered around a large table, their faces tense and serious. The head wizard, a venerable man with a long white beard, looked up at Arin and beckoned him forward.

"Arin, we are facing a grave threat," the head wizard said. "Dark forces are gathering in the east, and we
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