Chapter 15: Fight Against A Champion

Kal kept on firing the hawk spring arrow. He aimed at the same wound in the leg and activated the bleeding effect. The Kobold champion tried to cover the wound in the leg using his axe but as soon as it did that, Kal would aim to the other wound on the rib. They watch the one-sided beat down with utter shock. The fear effect had subsided a while ago but they were so induced to what was happening, they forgot that they could already move.

'Where did he find such an arrow? How can it simply disappear and appear to his hands?' The man muttered to himself as he continued to watch Kal. His men were also thinking of the same thing and Dontrelle who was shocked at what was happening also felt a disbelief.


The Kobold champion growled loudly infuriated at the barrage of attacks it couldn't defend. It raised its giant axe up in the air and smash it right down to ground. The ground in its fall cracked and unearthed the ground in a wide area shaking the entire dome of th
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