Chapter 78.

Fernando was up early that morning. Something had to be done. After everything he had said to Nathan, after all his several attempts to stop him from digging further, still, the young man wouldn't relent.

In his bed that morning, he began to strategize what his next plan would be. Nathan would listen to him that time.

He rose up from his bed, then headed straight to the bathroom to freshen up. Once he was out, he called up the maids and alerted each and everyone of them to strictly mind their businesses for that day, and do only their chores.

He hoped he and Nathan's conversation wouldn't resolve into a fight. He hoped so.


Fernando's call woke Nathan up that morning, asking for a face to face meeting with him. Nathan frowned. After he had declined him days ago stating that he was busy.

But Nathan had no other choice. He got dressed up and left to see the old man.

Soon enough, he arrived at the man's house. Suspiciously, the maids all eyed him with some sort of eyes, expression
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