A timely fight

Our time-skip abilities clashed directly, creating purple spatial lightning that started to break the surrounding stars.

However, my base strength was quite higher compared to the fat demon, so even though he seemed to have the edge in the time-skip clash, he was the one who ended up being pushed back in the end.

The demon's fat trembled slightly after losing the clash. He could feel the shockwaves from the surrounding reverberating in his belly as he glanced at me with serious eyes.

He was the guardian of this node, and I was sure the other three must have also found similar endeavors to deal with.

Alliron and Aratas should have been done by now considering that the stronger demons were still locked in hell due to the abundant vitality of the living realm.

Shira should also be done soon, so I should do my best to get a little bit more experience before devouring this demon, getting everything I could from him.

Seeing how my eyes targeted him with somewhat of a serious look, the demon
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