After Nick stepped out of the funeral home, he told Ashley to take his family home that he had something to do which he didn’t want to disclose to anyone.

“Where are you going?” April asked him when the car was already gone.

“Let’s pay Gregory a visit” Nick answered while opening the car door for her.

“He came down with a heart attack, remember? Seeing you now may aggravate his condition”

Nick gave a little smile, “I am not going to cause trouble for him. He already has enough for a day”

She shrugged and boarded the car while he did the same and after a few seconds, the car sped out of the funeral home.

The moment they got to the hospital, the police stationed outside his office gestured them inside.

Gregory was laid on the bed and he was breathing with the help of an oxygen mask but his eyes were wide open.

The moment the door pushed open, he slowly turned his gaze to the door and wasn’t particularly pleased to see Nick and his wife.

With so much difficulty, he slowly removed his mas
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