Chapter 125

Author's point of view...

Time seemed to freeze as the sound of a gunshot reverberated in the room.

Tiger yanked holding his hand as Joe was about to shoot his own head and yet his fate was decided.

Though Tiger tried to stop him, his desperate move resulted in shooting himself in his chest.

Everyone was shocked as Joe crumpled to the ground, the echoes of his desperate act reverberating in the room.

Shock and disbelief hung heavy as the reality of the situation unfolded before them.

Tiger, releasing his grip, stared at the scene with a complex mix of emotions.

"Damn it," he muttered a curse, his frustration palpable. Mike, too, stood there, grappling with the abrupt turn of events.

As the room fell into an eerie silence, the consequences of Joe's final act added a layer of complexity to an already convoluted situation. Unraveling the mysteries surrounding Tiger, the mess that had been growing like hell became even more imperative, with the path ahead now clouded by the unforeseen
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