Chapter 126 The End...
Author's point of view...

"I have a way out" Ria mumbled as she walked out of the hospital room.

"What..." both Tiger and Mike exclaimed. She extended her phone to them, there was a green light glowing on a map, flashed on her screen.

"What is this, ma'am?" Mike asked but Tiger understood everything.

"Mom has a tracker?" he asked, and Ria nodded,

"I bought it for her security"

They stared at the green light moving towards the old mansion.

"She is taking them to the old mansion"

Tiger just looked at Mike and Mike nodded,

"Yes Sir," understanding what his boss meant.

Collect our men.

Reaching the old mansion, Tiger saw that the vibrant mansion that he remembered from his past was now nothing but some ruins. Dark and cold.

As Tiger cautiously entered the old mansion, the creaking floorboards beneath his boots echoed through the dimly lit corridor.

The air was thick with the musty scent of aged wood, and shadows danced eerily on the walls. Unbeknownst to him, every step triggere
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