Avoiding a problem in the future

Lisa and Alina's bodies began to tremble while Robert could feel a sensation of relief in his leg, all this lasted a few minutes which all three lost consciousness.

The first to wake up was Alina who for the first time in years was able to feel her body completely again, with some disbelief she looked at her hands and could not see the scars on her arms.

She opened and closed her hand as she could fully feel her tendons which had been damaged in her last mission, but what surprised her the most was the fact that she even she could feel something where her hand was. old kidney of hers had been.

"I feel like the missing ribs are now inside my body…"

At that moment she stopped and understood the implications of the candy Robert had given her so she quickly took out her cell phone to make a few calls.

A few hours later Robert opened his eyes and the first thing he felt was his body completely recovered from him along with the fact that he felt even stronger as if all his life he had been
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