Author's Note

I would like to use this medium to honestly appreciate you for reading till the end, thanks a ton.

I really had a hard time working this book till the end, it had a lot of twists and turns that I hadn't expected. With every research I made throughout the course of writing this piece, I kept seeing ways it could have been better, but despite the imperfection, you remained in the journey till now, thanks a bunch.

I would also like to thank my grammar and punctuation editor 'Miracle Mgbe'. It was a crash program, editing over one hundred chapters in five days, thanks a lot.

To everyone that supported this book with their reviews and comments, thanks a ton, for those who just added it to their library, thanks a ton, for those who just opened it to get a better look at the book cover, thanks a lot too lol.

Anyways, book two is already in the works, I can't promise a release date as I would like to perform as much research as possible, but I will say this, "Bloody Horizon; Gods Amongst Us" would be mind blowing (the title is subject to change). It will focus a lot more on Sean and Jason, and we will also get to see how the world reacts to the "Heart of Mexico" event, how it affects the world.

Expect new characters and expansion on old ones, it will be glorious to say the least. Stay expectant.

Thank you everyone, see you in the next tales from the Abyssal Chronicles.

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