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By: X-Legacy CompletedFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 124 views: 9.6K

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In the dark and gritty urban landscape of Philadelphia, Sean Walker, a 15-year-old boy, finds himself thrust into a harrowing battle for his own fate. Unbeknownst to him, his future has been meticulously crafted and programmed by the shadowy forces of the Order of Babel. As he grapples with the crushing weight of destiny, Sean finds himself ensnared by the machinations of the Cataclysmic Order, a cult with a deep-seated vendetta against the group controlling his life. Haunted by the loss of his father and his mother’s deteriorating health, Sean’s only hope lies in winning a coveted scholarship to continue his education. But caught up in the battle between both Orders, breaking free and taking his destiny in his own hands becomes next to impossible. In a world of lies, treachery, and unyielding danger, Sean must summon all his strength and courage to, survive, take control of his own destiny and be birthed a new man. +++++ Please Note; Although edited, it was done via AI methods, and hence the descriptions and context might be changed by the AI at varying times. The fully edited version is en route. +++++

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  • Calvin Thomas


    Oya make we run am

    2023-03-01 15:18:31



    2022-11-21 08:07:38
  • TexTor01


    Well, well, well I am inevitable

    2022-11-02 19:15:12
  • WeaverOfMysteries


    I love the book so far. Andrew especially. He's my favorite character yet

    2022-10-31 08:47:23
  • Joy Alexander


    A very good synopsis... loving the plot so far Can't wait for the next chapter

    2022-08-16 13:03:57
  • Behemoth


    wow....never knew you had it in you mate!

    2022-08-12 03:34:40
Latest Chapter
124 chapters
°°° The Beginning °°° Kneeling in a pool of blood, Marco shivered like a child who’d been in the rain for an hour. The man had deep cuts on his arms and chest. The bleeding had ceased, but the air made it sting. His kitchen’s tiled floor was mostly covered in blood. The entire place was a mess. Bullet shells scattered all over the place. The human hand sizzling on the electric grill made him sick to his stomach. He’d have thrown up a long time ago, but he wasn’t going to risk pissing him off. The only other breathing person in the house was the man who had caused the damage. He had single-handedly killed seven men without a single firearm, all of whom were well armed with multiple weapons, and not even a bullet wound was on him; he was not even grazed. He took off his black leather jacket and dropped it on the kitchen island. Walking to the sink, the man washed the blood off his face, kicking the severed arm off the grill. He dried his hands and opened the fridge. "Can I?" the
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°°° First Light °°° The sound of his mom's argument downstairs filled his ears. He ran out of his room, a bit alerted, and took a peek. It was another argument with her boyfriend, Boris Romanoff. "Mom?" he called out with concern, interrupting the argument, hoping to end it. "Go to your room, Sean!" his mother yelled at him angrily. Whatever Boris had done, she wasn’t willing to let it slide. Sean stood still for a moment, then reluctantly turned back and walked into his room, slamming the door shut. He heard the argument cease momentarily, and then, as expected, the topic suddenly changed to him. Boris and Sean had never really been on the same page. His mom, Kate, always wrote it off as a phase, a natural occurrence in teens with divorced parents. Accepting the change is always hard, but in truth, that was not the case. Sean felt hated by Boris, and he reciprocated the feeling. Boris had always treated him like a "not part of the plan" kid. The looks Boris gave him; his con
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°°° The Con Artist °°° The cool evening breeze blew over their exposed faces. Sitting on the porch, Sean and his mother, Kate, were silent, watching kids play football across the street. Sean was happy that she was happy. He hadn’t realized when, but the argument with her boyfriend, Boris Romanoff, had ended, and he had left. She wasn’t as grumpy and frustrated as she usually was after arguments with Boris. Whatever it was, it probably ended the way she wanted it to. And the kids playing across the street helped to make her more susceptible to suggestions. "You know," his mother, Kate, tilted towards him but kept her eyes on the kids kicking the ball around. "When you were about their age, you really sucked at football," she mocked with a laugh. "Yeah," he chuckled softly, running his fingers through his black hair. "I never really was one for such sports," he defended, his joy growing as he hadn’t even been the one to initiate the conversation, and it was going in the d
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°°° Welcome to the Whites °°° It was a long trip from Philadelphia. a trip that would have been made unbearable by Boris’ presence. Kate had asked Boris to take Sean to Louisville, a request that grew into a long argument. They had deliberated on how to get to Kentucky, and even before any suggestions were made, Kate ruled out the option of flight. She had developed a phobia for air travel over the years. a phobia, which she constantly denied and claimed was caution. Sean was too young to rent a car, though he could already drive. Boris refused to drive, giving a ton of excuses as to why he couldn’t. He claimed that he had three job interviews lined up for Monday morning, and he didn’t want to return late and tired. His joblessness had been a major problem to Kate, another excuse for Sean to disrespect him, and it had for the longest time been an excuse for him—Boris—to escape responsibilities. Once he said he had an interview, it ended any arguments. Ka
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°°° Blackmailed to Blackmail °°° The rest of the drive to the Whites was uneventful. They’d given Sean quite a tour of downtown Louisville. The Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory was one that Mr. White and Andrew were most excited about. Mr. White promised to visit with them before Sean leaves, but Sean and Jason weren’t that excited. When they passed by the Muhammad Ali Center, they both could hardly contain themselves. They immediately made the decision to visit, no matter the cost. Arriving at the Whites, Sean immediately went up to Jason’s room. It was a shared attic bedroom. Initially, Jason and Andrew shared a room until Andrew decided he was ready to have a room to himself. Jason loved the idea of an attic bedroom and decided to move out, insisting on the shared attic bedroom design he’d seen online. He was relentless with asking and finally got his wish after convincing Andrew to help him out by asking their parents to sleep in his room every now and then. Seeing
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°°° Feets °°° Sean woke up to a knock on the room’s door. "Jay, you are going to be late for school," Ann’s voice followed the knock. "I almost forgot." Jason still has school this week,’ Sean yawned and turned in his bed. Jason wouldn’t be able to skip school until tomorrow, when his class’s excursion trip begins. "Funny how time and events aligned for this visit," Sean said, rubbing his eyes as he sat up. "Yo! "Jay, Jay!" he called out, standing up. "Jason!" he yelled, peeling the blanket off Jason’s body, forcing him to open his eyes. "Hey... what gives?" Jason cried out, squirming in his bed. "Dude, you are going to be late," Sean said, throwing the blanket back on Jason. "No… "I just need a little bit more," Jason groggily said and yawned, hugging the blanket. "What the hell, bro... "Are you still bed wet?" Sean said with a tone of dipalm. "Huh?... What are you?" Jason spoke with sleep still in his voice, then stopped as the words sank in. "What?" he yelled, sitting
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°°° Interrogation °°° "Hey Mom," Sean slumped into a sofa in the living room, earphones plugged into his phone. "Sean… "How are you doing?" His mom’s voice came through the speakers. "I’m great. How are you? How’s work?" He smiled, staring at the ceiling. "Hey, I called you..." "I'll be the one asking the questions here," Kate replied, sounding stern, before bursting into a round of laughter, making Sean laugh at her inability to pretend. "How’s the hood?" Sean shuffled into the leather sofa. "Hope no burglar came knocking?" "Well, one did last night. "He said he needed your help to break a friend out of holding," she replied, successfully pulling off a serious tone. "I told him you’d get back to him when you returned from your current jailbreak in Kentucky." "Damn ma… "You've been practicing!" Sean laughed. "Your lying skills are getting really good." "What can I say… "I learned from the best," she chuckled. "And who’s that?" Sean asked with pride in his voice. "Who e
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°°° Behind the Scenes °°° The tweeting of birds up in the trees and the calm winds built an atmosphere of calmness in him. Sean had been jogging since he left the house. In sixty-five minutes, he had visited every route connected to the one Dan had asked him to take. He figured that not only was Jason inconsistent with his runs, he was also a lazy runner. He never spent more than fifteen minutes on any route, going to and fro, at least according to Feet. "Deactivate in-ear instruction," Sean said, sitting under a tree. The electronic voice went silent, and at his command, the sound of 50 Cent’s "I don’t know officer" track ended as well. He opened his bottle of water and drank from it, steadying his breathing pattern. The arm band suddenly beeped, and he looked at the screen. ||Your sugar level needs a boost|| The words kept flashing with an annoying beep. He sighed, as it was at least the fifth time, and the beeping was much louder and the light brighte
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°°° Self Sabotage °°° The rest of the day went by quickly. By 6:45 pm, Ann and Dan were both home and were seated at the dining table alongside Jason, Andrew, and Sean. Ann had prepared her mom’s signature black rice with chicken and salad. "So…" Ann started a conversation as the dinner was oddly quiet. "How was school today, boys?" She looked at both Jason and Andrew. Andrew lifted his head up and stared at his brother to know if he should speak and what to say. Seeing that Jason wasn’t going to reply, he spoke up. "School was... well, school was school." "Today was actually tasking." "Huh." "Well, I’m all ears," Ann smiled. "It wasn’t teaching in the academic sense." It’s more of a social thing. "You probably wouldn’t understand," Andrew tried to select his words carefully. "Try me," Ann challenged with a smile. She knew Andrew was trying to keep something from her; she didn’t know why, but she knew that challenging him would get him spewing details. A smug smile slo
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°°° Bad Decisions °°° Sean could barely sleep throughout the night. He kept having recurring dreams about the snatching event. Either he was crushed under the wheels of Melvin’s car, sandwiched between Melvin’s car and the store, stabbed to death by the slow one who’d intentionally dropped his pace so as to take him unawares, broken his head, neck, or spinal cord from his double flip stunt, missed the tree and fell endlessly, or the one with the bag shot him dead. The dreams woke him up almost every eighteen minutes into each sleep. He heaved a sigh of surrender and decided to use the opportunity that sleeplessness presented to pack up his things. In a few minutes, he was done. He wore a black hoodie over a white inner shirt. His dark blue jeans looked black in the absence of light, as did his dark brown footwear. He walked to Jason’s bed and took a picture of the napping boy, laughing softly at the funny face he was making in his sleep. He quietly walked o
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