Chapter 129

One of the group members moved swiftly and appeared before Long Chu, surprising him. "Stop!" shouted the person, stretching out his hand to block the young man's steps.

Long Chu studied the figure in front of him now. His build wasn't much different from him – tall, straight, and with long, neatly tied hair. Her face is sweet and her voice is soft. Even though she was wearing men's clothes, it wasn't difficult for other people to guess that she was a woman, because there were two hills that couldn't be hidden even if the clothes were tied tightly.

Long Chu's eyes collided with the woman's eyes and he obviously stopped. even though he was confused by what was said, he felt there was tension in the air. "Why don't I understand their language?" he complained softly, shaking his head.

"Why are you mumbling?" the woman asked, this time in a sharper tone that reflected the tension in her eyes.

Long Chu then used hand signals to convey that he could not speak their language. The woman looked
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