
Inside the Casper mansion, there were a couple of people gathered in the living room. They all had their eyes glued to the screen of the TV. Their facial reactions emphasised how absorbed and engulfed they were by whatever was going on on the screen.

"Why does it feel like I'll die of curiosity?" Michael muttered, almost falling off his seat.

"My heart will be ripped open." Simeon had few of his fingers over his lips in anticipation.

"I can't breathe." Their sister was trying to divide her attention between not looking and looking.

Madam Casper was seated in her special chair, staring sternly at the screen. Her gaze was locked in as though she would be paid handsomely for the attention squandered. No, invested!

On the screen of the TV, there was an explosion at the entrance of the media train, and everyone was waiting, watching with their hearts in their mouths.

A man dressed in an entire that wasn't typical of the modern era walked into the media train. There was a black mask on
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