"Hi! I'm the anonymous!"

News began to spread across Grimmings about the mystery of the newly discovered Dragon King and mysterious Trillionaire. The news started as still and random as the flowing breeze, until there was a twist which made it hostile, raging like a ferocious wind across Grimming Hills.

"That can't be true." Someone said to the people who surrounded him.

"The dragon King? He is who?" The same person carried on the argument.

"You were not listening?! I said that he was the same person as the son-in-law of the Casper mansion!" The lady who was the centre of attention, said.

"What!" Almost everyone who was encircled in that group exclaimed at the discovery.

"How is that even possible? It does not make any sense." Someone argued passionately.

"That was the same thing I thought in the first place, but for no reason, things started to play out."

"But we only just discovered that the dragon King is alive. It hadn't even been more than twenty minutes ago since the press meeting ended! How coul
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