Chapter 1407 Gossip Maid

Josias is now in the presidential room watching the upcoming projects created by Octavio and his group of architects. They analyze a floor plan stretched out on the desk. The drawing is of an apartment building.

“We can take the same model, make some color changes, and apply them to different projects built in different cities,” Octavio comments excitedly.

“Absolutely, Octavio.” Josias nods in wonder, “I still don't understand why I'm surprised at you.”

“You've been repeating that since we met.” Octavio laughs.

“Well, for me these projects are all approved. I hope Rocha Hotel makes enough money to help us.”

“And how is your mother as the hotel manager?”

“Do you believe she has done a good job?” Josias happily comments, “Madam was born to such an important position. And to top it all off, she keeps her busy so she doesn't plot against the Freire family.”

Octavio purses his lips, “Do you think your stepfather won't try anything?”

Josias waggles his index finger, “This year there's nothi
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