Chapter 1408 Caio is Confused

At Simeon's house, the awkward situation continued. Dora is surprised by William's unexpected return.

“Mother, you still haven't answered me.” William insists aimlessly, “Do you hate me for sweeping the rubbish off my feet?”

Dora manages to utter the words, “Of course not, son! You know I love you!”

“Excellent!” William enters without waiting for an invitation, “So we're fine. When does Caio get home from school?”

William goes to sit on the couch, but Dora grabs him by the shoulder, “Hold on, William! Let's talk! What's this about disappearing for months without telling all of us?”

William grins evilly, “You mean you missed me? I thought Josias was going to convince you guys to hate me.”

“Josias never said anything about it, that's your imagination!”

“Okay, I needed to clear my head. Has Pamela ever stolen my son?”

“She couldn't act without you around.”

William sighs, “She thinks she'll have me around to rub the deed in my face.”

“Son, allow me to call your father. Let's talk calmly.”
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