Chapter 1686 The Honorable Citizen

When Flavia managed to break the bad news to Josias, he promptly took care of everything else.

Therefore, yet on Sunday afternoon, Harold Freire's wake and burial took place at Lagoon City Cemetery.

It usually rains at funerals and burials, but Harold's death seems to have caught even the weather off guard, as the sun continued to shine, urging the citizens of Lagoon City to head to the beach.

But today would be a sad day for the Freire family and their friends. In the hall where the wake takes place, Isabel is standing, staring at her dead husband. He was with the same serene smile.

“You had that smile on, and I thought you were sleeping.” She says in a plaintive tone, “I should have sent you to the hospital. You had been slow to wake up, I had to scream and shake you! Why didn't I understand that you were saying goodbye when you said you loved me? Sorry, Harold, I was stupid and killed you!”

The last sentence came out in a choked voice. Wallace approaches his mother, wearing a black
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