Chapter 2852 Protecting Who Actually Did It

Rosemary and Thierry enter his photography studio.

“Are you crazy, darling?” Thierry is concerned, “After everything has been proven and documented, do you think Patrick wasn’t the shooter?”

“He reacts as if it wasn’t him, and even accused me of not knowing him.” Rosemary is distressed.

“Hey, don’t let him do that.” Thierry warns her, “He is manipulating you, trying to make you feel guilty because you love me now.”

“He mentioned that.” Rosemary is confused, pouring herself some coffee, “He asked me if I ever loved him or if I just wanted to have the first time with him until I set my eyes on you.”

“What a disgrace.” Thierry kisses her cheek, “Don’t bother with what that idiot says, darling. You were in love with him, yes, but things change. Now you have chosen me. And if Pat can’t get over it, it’s his problem.”

“If Uncle Josias releases him, he might take the opportunity and leave town. Felipe, for sure, fired him.” Rosemary sits on the couch.

“Definitely. One less enemy.” Thierry sm
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