Yia family

No one who knows Jonathan will be able to handle the thought that he would be using weapon in such a place and was even able to use it on the security officers at the watch room.

He clicked on few keys on the keyboard and zoomed the camera so that he was able to see everything in details and give useful information to Daemon.

Daemon was inside the room where the treasures were kept, he took out his phone scrolled down to the last chat with Lucas which contained details of the treasure and a picture to let him choose wisely among the weapons.

Looking at all the treasures, his eyes moves to one of them that contained a golden ring with red crystal embedded in the middle of it, giving it a unique vibe.

He looked at the photo on his phone once again, it was the same as the ring that he was looking at right now.

Thankfully, he didn't have to spend more time looking for it.

Quickly he reached out his hands to grab the ring, he then pretended to be putting it inside his pocket while he
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