
"Maverick!" Alex yells, where his sword has been pulled perfectly. Repelling the sudden and quite brutal attack because these big cats are very different from the animals that have been showing the way to this strange forest. Where pine trees that used to look dense now begin to shift or not, who knows. In Alex's eyes, everything seems to be moving away as if bringing them to a fairly large but rocky place.

The sky is still as dark as Alex knows. His sword swings several times, pressing the cat to retreat, but it seems their strength is immense. Alex fights against almost four animals, which have very long fangs. Their orange eyes and hisses are terrifying. Alex is sure that if he gets bitten by those fangs anywhere on his body, it will result in a deep wound. Moreover, if these creatures are mythical, it means the injuries they cause can be severe.

"Try not to get bitten," Alex says loudly. His sword swings again to hit one of the heads of the creature that suddenly jumps to attack h
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