Chapter 94: Facing the four prison guards where Livy is imprisoned!

"Is it really so effortless for them to betray me? Are they capable of acting against me without hesitation?"

Livy couldn't comprehend it. She had earnestly planned to reunite them, even if their support had waned. She had been willing to accept that, to preserve their bond as friends.

Unbeknownst to her, tears streamed down her cheeks, tracing a path of sorrow.

"Why has everything crumbled like this...?" she whispered, her voice raspy from the impact that had affected her throat.

Her heart ached with a profound sense of betrayal. She had placed her trust in them, believing they would remain by her side despite her disadvantaged position as their friend.

Sob~ Sob~ Sob~

Livy reflected on it all, her tears mingling with the anguish pulsating within her wounded organs.

"How could I have been so naive to trust them... Such foolish faith..."

And in that moment, the trust she had vested in her once-loyal subordinates shattered into countless shards, leaving her desire to ascend as Empress a
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