CHAPTER 46. Through Thick and Thin.

After the ceremony, Damion and Bianca found themselves surrounded by well-wishers, congratulating them on their successes and wishing them well for the future. But despite the turmoil and excitement, there was one moment that stood out above all the rest—a moment that Bianca would never forget.

As Damion made his way through the throng, his eyes seeking for her familiar face, she walked forward to meet him, her pulse beating with anticipation. And as their eyes met, a grin grew over Damion's face, his eyes sparkling with love for his girlfriend.

"Bianca," he whispered quietly, his voice overflowing with passion as he stretched out to hold her hand in his. "Thank you for being here. I couldn't have done this without you."

Bianca gripped his hand tenderly, her heart bursting with love for the man standing before her. "I'm so proud of you, Damion," she replied genuinely, her voice shaking with passion. "You've worked so hard for this moment, and you deserve every bit of success that come
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