Chapter 154 : Denver Ricardo

"Six months...six days and six hours." Denver talked into his microphone.

"I am also in position." answered Raven. " I have eyes on the twins."

"That is good. I am going to approach the mansion now."

"Be careful. We don't know what trap she might have set. "

"I know. That's one devious woman." Denver looked at the estate across from where he stood. He has been keeping a sharp eye on that building. He looked at his outfit. Dressed smartly in the most expensive suit he could find on short noticed. He check his mental state...once he thought himself a loser and a fool. But he had discovered there was more than one type of truth.

He walked back towards his car and climbed inside. He discovered his children was smart and just as devious. His son; Leo had told him to blend into the background. He feels proud wearing the suit he had picked and ordered. The black sport car was also his idea.

Once he started the car it simmers into visibility. While he was being transported back to his past to
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