Day 5 and 6

   In the middle of the ocean. Bangkok. 

~Dia Wealene~

"Where'd he go?"

I walked into the large sitting room in the yacht. My eyes were slightly heavy from sleep but that wasn't enough to slow me down. I walked past the numerous couches locked into each other in a circular mound in the heart of the space. 

I put up my left hand and caught the sight of the diamond ring glistering. I smiled at the memory of a day before yesterday. I kissed the ring and let out a light laugh. I walked towards the door. 

We'd spent the previous day in a private jet and had flew all the way from Vegas to Thailand. I have no idea how he chooses his thing, but he seemed obsessed with long-distance stuff. 

The 24 hours we spent on the jet passed by so quickly, since we spent most of it playing games and watching movies. And earlier this morning, we've set on the ocean and had had some sex spree. And I was just waking up. Waking up to hi

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