Ch 51: Dungeon

If Dylan wanted to obtain the Red Crystal, he had to first think of ways to enter the Shenus Family. As for looking for the Red Crystal, he was not worried about it at all. It is because the map where Red Crystal was located was already imprinted in his mind.

All he has to do is to enter the Shenus Family and he could follow the route described on the map to obtain the Red Crystal.

He just could not understand why he has to go through such a thing in order to get hold of the Red Crystal.

As Dylan was lurking around the Shenus Family, he suddenly saw a carriage going out of the family, followed by a lot of martial warriors.

At the same time, he heard them talking about the Young Master of the Shenus Family playing with a beautiful prostitute inside the carriage.

An idea suddenly popped up in his mind and he waited two hours after the carriage disappeared before going to the front gate of the Shenus Family where he was stopped by two guards.

Dylan told them that he was sent by the "Youn
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