Ch 53: Mission No. 3: Return Of A Calamity Immortal
One by one, everyone started entering the vortex formed by Aurora. After they enter the vortex, they disappeared somewhere.

"Let's go!"

Henry looked at the vortex with a serious expression on his face and said in a low voice.

Dylan nodded and then both of them also entered the vortex.

Before he entered, he heard Aurora's voice in his mind: "The danger inside is far more terrifying than what you encountered here. Try your best to survive and look for a green door with the carvings of an Azure Dragon. This door will lead you directly into the West Cloud Ancient Land from East Cloud Ancient Land. There, you need to obtain the second fragment of my crystalized soul. You already have one in your possession currently."

"As long as you could gather all four, I can return once again. Now, off you go!"

Dylan stopped for a moment but he was sucked inside the vortex by the powerful force of attraction.

The next moment, when everything became clear in front of Dylan, he found himself standi
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