Chapter 43

“Are you serious?” Devon put a hand to his mouth.

“You don’t like?” Ali’s face suddenly became crestfallen.

“No! I mean yes! I mean—“ Devon had become flustered. This was not something that he had expected, and certainly not in front of a crowd of salivating nerds. Here was Ali, a stranger that he had met only today, offering him his pick of a nearly $1800 limited edition collectible action figure.

People in New Hudson killed for that kind of money. They killed for far less money, in fact. A good pair of sneakers worth $300 could make an innocent jogger into a juicy target. Life was cheap in Devon’s part of New Hudson—a steady influx of the desperate poor from other parts of the country, and from other countries were things were even worse, kept a steady glut of bodies for the city’s industries. Fast food, low income retail, cheap electronics filled with intrusive advertisements and sneaky fees to leech off the destitute and the outcast. Those $300 sneakers could be resold at a f
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