Confronting Lora (3)


[ Status ]

Name - Lora Stiffler

Age - 18 years

Race - Human

STR - E+

AGL - E+

CON - E+

MAG - E+

Current overall rank: E+

Maximum Talent Rank: S

Profession - swordsmanship ( 2⭐ )

Superpowers - [Desired Sharpness] [Lover's diary]

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Looking at that unbelievable status, Noah stood up in shock, his mouth and eyes wide open in disbelief. He couldn't believe his eyes


He couldn't help but ask himself over and over, but no matter how hard he tried to think, he wasn't able to find an appropriate answer for the information that was in front of him.

However, unaware of Noah's inner turmoil, Lora was startled by his sudden aggressive behaviour, as she thought that he was really mad at her for telling lies, and she involuntarily shrieked back in fear from his suffocating aura that was directed towards her, ready to rip her apart on a moment's notice.

Then, as if remembering something,
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