As Mrs. Seraphina graciously passed the microphone to her husband, the crowd hushed. Anticipation seemed to thicken the air. His initial confidence faltered, his words stumbling in the weight of their expectation. His eyes darted nervously, meeting the unforgiving gazes of the onlookers, a silent presence with judgement enveloping him.

Sensing the tense atmosphere, the DJ swiftly transitioned into a soothing melody, its gentle notes cascading like a cool breeze over the crowd. The music enveloped the space, its calming rhythm echoing softly, a tranquil interlude amidst the palpable tension.

The anticipation hung thick in the air, yet Uncle Brandon's smile remained unwavering as he savoured each morsel of roasted beef, chewing thoughtfully. His eyes gleamed with satisfaction, a silent acknowledgment that his carefully crafted scheme was unfolding exactly as planned.

The scents of deliciously roasted meat filled the air, the centrepiece of the event climaxed as the greedy uncles devou
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