Chapter 5559
“Enough, every single one of you!” exclaimed Damon John coldly.

He sat in his chair, glaring fiercely.

“I am the government’s first-in-command!

“I have the right to decide what happens in Golden Sands!

“If I have to prove the family’s innocence because of some random accusation…

“We wouldn’t have time to do anything else!

“Let me tell you something! Without actual proof, even the country’s Nine Great Elders aren’t allowed to search us!

“If you’re going to whine some more…

“I’ll make the six Hermit Families disappear from the face of the earth!

“Don’t think I’m scared of you just because Eliel Braff’s about to become one of the Great Elders!

“If I wasn’t interested in being the first-in-command, do you really think he stood a chance?!

“Ignorant fools!

“How dare you use Longmen’s authority to search my house?!

“Who gave you the nerve?!”

Damon looked gloomy.

Naturally, the John family would not be terrified of anyone if they were desperate enough.

After all, they would not
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