Weak to Powerful

5 ratings

Weak to Powerful

By: Emmanuel feany OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 29 views: 6.4K

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Edward Morgan, a boy who was blessed with the gift of technology, lost his parent at a tender age and lived with a foster parent where he got treated like a slave. At the age of 18, Edward moved out of the house to start a new life in a new city. Doing all sort of odd jobs just to feed himself and got treated like trash just because he had nothing. Even the girl he thought loved him left him for the Vice mayor's son, leaving Edward broken. With everything now unbareble for Edward, Edward took a dark path. Using his gift to hack his neighbours bank just to sustain himself, Yet, the $10 and $29 he got from them wasn't enough. So he began a new agenda, to hack one of the biggest bank in the city. [CREDIT ALERT: $750,000,000,000,000] Little did he know that the bank which he hacked belonged to the dangerous mafia lords and crimelords, and they were out seeking for his blood.

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  • Ela B


    Will this be a harem?

    2024-02-12 16:31:53
  • Emmanuel feany


    Chapters are released daily for those wondering and asking in the paragraph comments

    2024-01-10 06:21:57
  • Emmanuel feany


    If you also love mafia, crime, mystery, then you must read this.

    2024-01-10 06:20:54
  • Emmanuel feany


    Here to rate my book and say a few words about it. Well, if you are a lover of System, action, level up, evolution, isekai, mystery, uhm..what else, romance, yeah there will be romance, then you must read this. And also, chapters would be updated every single day..so what are you waiting for? Hop on

    2024-01-04 22:09:42
  • Frozen Cloud


    The first chapter was alright. As I continued to read,the story also continued to become more and more ridiculous. The story has great potential actually, but the author made it of low value.

    2024-06-02 16:19:30
Latest Chapter
29 chapters
How it started
The early morning sun flickered into the small room through the small square shaped window. The room only had enough space to fit in a single bed,a closet,and a study table.Tap! Tap! Tap! The sound of computer keyboard getting hit countless time filled the room as a man in white pjamas kept typing away with determination in his eyes. "What am i missing?" The man said,taking off his small eyeglasses and rubbed his bloodshot red eyes with black bags under it. "I keep getting thesame failed result even after working overnight." "One more time,i'll just try a new code." He said to himself,putting his glasses back on and began to type with his eyes glued on the computer screen. The screen displayed rolls and rolls of numbers and letters,changing to a whole different numbers any time he hits the keyboard. After typing away for minutes,The numbers and letters screen changed and was now displaying a bar with a countdown. [5 hours for the extraction to be completed] 'Same damn result!
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$750 trillion
[Transfer successful] [Your account has been credited with 750,000,000,000,000]Edward's eyes widened in shock after reading the message. Rubbing his eyes to confirm if he wasn't imagining things. '750 Trillion dollars?' Edward pondered his expression mixed with surprise and joy at the same time. Edward quickly rushed up from his bed and hurried to his computer that he left on while going to work. 'It worked?' Edward thought with his eyes wide opened. Leaving the computer turned on,the extraction process was completed then the transfer began for another set of hours. 'I can't believe it. I finally succeeded.' Edward pondered,typing away in his computer to make sure they don't reverse the funds he had just received from an unknown source. Edward had no clue who's bank account he has been trying to hack for months now,all he did was try by passing the rich men's account around Brickwoods. 'Maybe i'm just getting too excited. I don't know if it's even real.' Edward said,glancing a
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Being rich but can't spend
Edward arrived at his apartment,a two story building with faded paint and tattered environment. Individuals who weren't able to afford a nice appartment in Brickwoods,chose to settle in the one room apartment.Edward climbed the steps,footsteps echoing with every step he took. His room was located at the top floor of the building. Arriving infront of his door,Edward unlocked his door and was about to go in.. "Where are you coming from?" A female's voice said from behind,startled,Edward quickly turned around to see who just spoke. After catching a glimpse of the girl,Edward scoffed and ignored her question. The girl was Angela Alvarez,daughter of a Brickwoods sheriff. Sporting brown hair that touched her waist,a heart like shaped face and a hot body. Anyone who spot her on the street would conclude that she was the daughter of one of the rich men. But she wasn't rich,nor is her family rich. Working as a sheriff,Angela's dad was earning a decent amount of money and the family was d
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Where did you get the money?
Edward sat inside his small room,thinking about how to spend the money without getting suspicious. Ofcourse,people would ask questions about how a common security guard suddenly got trillions to spend around. Edward didn't want the gang leaders finding out he was the one holding their money,if they do,it will be his end. 'Maybe i should just travel to another town?' Edward suggested internally. Relocating to another town where no one knew who he was would fix his whole problem, 'Nah,i need to remain in Brickwoods and prove to those people who looked down on me that i am now far richer than they will ever be.' A smile formed on Edward's face after creating a scenario about the faces those rich people and also his girlfriend that ones lookes down on him would make when they see him driving in a brand new golden lamborghini,and convoy of ferrari following behind him. 'Haha,They'll be like,yo who's this man? And i'll say,yo,I'm just Edward. Haha' Edward laughed out loud at his thought
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Mysterious man paid the bills
"What's the matter, Angela?" Edward inquired, concerned."Answer me truthfully, Edward," Angela began. "Where did you get such an amount of money?" The question came out of the blue for Edward,he didn't expect such question when he only spent a little amount of money. A security guard having $10,000 wasn't something that looked suspicious. Angela's question now made Edward realized how poor he was to other people's eyes to the extent that they assumed he had no scent. "I-i have been saving it up since i began my security job." Edward replied,saddness written evident on his face. "Hey,i didn't mean it like that" Angela patted his shoulder "I was just afraid that maybe you joined a gang that pays high. Joining a gang is dangerous, i wouldn't want anything happen to you,Ed." Angela has always cared about Edward ever since he moved to that apartment 7 years ago. She didn't see any difference between both of them since Edward was also from a poor background,the only difference she saw
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Matter involving trillions of dollars
Beep* Beep* Beep* The sound of monitor beeping inside the ward was heard,the ward was finally calm since the operation was over. The nurses and doctor proceeded with the operation and was successful after a few hours. Angela sat on a chair,her head bent to the back,snoring loudly after waiting for hours. The entrance door swung open,and Edward walked in and saw Angela sleeping in an uncomfortable position. The day was gradually getting dark and it was a law for the folks around Brickwoods to stay indoors when it's night time. Edward stood over Angela,glancing at her worried and tired face while she slept. 'You won't have to worry anymore,My friend.' Edward said internally,joy filled him that atleast he was able to use his new found riches for good. Edward lifted Angela off the chair with both arms,not wanting to disturb her sleep by waking her. He carried her outside,informing the nurses that he needed to get her home before midnight. Edward took her to the Uber waiting for hi
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Murder of the vice mayor
"Great speech today, Vice Mayor Charles.""Have a good day, Vice Mayor.""We love you, Vice Mayor."Compliments poured forth for the vice mayor, Charles Munrow, as he navigated the throng, his son Malcolm at his side.Having just concluded an address outlining plans to allocate trillions of US dollars for city security against gangs, Vice Mayor Charles Munrow and his son made their way to the sleek, obsidian-hued Bugatti, flanked by seven armed sentinels.Amidst a flurry of camera flashes and journalists wielding microphones, hope hung in the air that the vice mayor might pause for inquiries. However, this was not to be.The door was opened, affording the vice mayor and Malcolm passage to the opulent interior."Feeling alright, Malcolm?" Vice Mayor inquired from his seated position."Yeah, I'm fine, Dad," Malcolm replied, engrossed in his phone and wearing a grin. The vice mayor's curiosity was piqued by his son's amusement. Upon glimpsing the screen, a name stood out boldly: (Kate.)
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You are a criminal
A hush fell over the room after Edward concluded his explanation, awaiting Simon's reaction and response.After a few moments of silence, Simon finally broke it with laughter.."Dude, what's so funny?" Edward inquired, his expression one of bafflement. He had expected Simon's rebuke or stern words, not laughter."Very funny, dude," Simon managed to say through his chuckles."I'm serious, bro. You don't believe me?" Edward asked, his tone earnest. Seeing Edward's expression and hearing his tone, Simon quickly realized this was no joke.The two had been inseparable for seven years since Edward moved to Brickwoods. Simon, orphaned after his parents joined a gang for his future, faced harsh circumstances. People treated him poorly due to his poverty and shaved head, until he met Edward, someone who understood him and was willing to spend time together.Simon had never seen Edward act this way, so he knew it was serious and pressing."Wait, it's all true? You embezzled trillions of doll
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Underground fighting arena
Angela sat quietly inside the hospital ward waiting for her mother to finally wake up. Earlier,she knocked on Edward's door to inform him about the miracle that happened suddenly,how the bills was suddenly cleared by an unknown person,but he wasn't home.Examining her mother,Angela could see her mother's fingers moving gently,and slowly her eyelids lifted open.She opening her eyes didn't came as a surprise for Angela,her eyes was always opened but couldn't blink or move at all. What surprised Angela was the fact that her mother was able to move her fingers."Mom?" Angela called out,unsure whether she was cured or not.After few seconds of waiting,Angela's mom finally spoke slowly,"A..ngela"Hearing her mom call her name,Angela hugged her and began to let out tears of joy.The entrance door swung open,and Angela's dad walked in dressed in his sheriff uniform. Mr Alvarez has been working all through the day because of the Vice Mayor's murder earlier,all sheriff's were given extra tasks
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One gang member, check
The late night moon was already out,Brickwoods folks remained indoors to avoid crossing paths with a gang.Thunder rumbling and rain falline heavily,Walking through the dark streets,Edward's eyes were glued to his phone as he used google map to take him to his location.Edward has his hoodie covering his head,shielding him from the rain and a bag in his hand.Edward stopped by an Atm and withdrew some cash just incase. [Debit alert: $200,000]Edward placed the money into the bag and continued walking.After what seemed like forever,Edward finally arrived at the location.The place was less than half of what Edward anticipated. All he could see was an incompleted building with two reasonably large men standing guard.Edward gathred up some courage and began to approach the men. At first he was scared when he spotted gun in the men hand,but after realizing this place wasn't run by gangs,he approached them."Good evening Boys." Edward greeted,trying hard to make his voice deep and rugg
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