It's okay to grieve!

Two days had passed since Chris's grandfather's passing, and the family found themselves immersed in the sombre task of planning his funeral.

Chris, though grieving himself, took on the responsibility of assisting his mother and others in organizing the arrangements. They had no other family since his grandfather when young had run away from home.

And had decided to make a name for himself and that was a story Chris wouldn't want to go back to

Together, they meticulously chose the venue, selected the readings, and decided on the music that honoured his grandfather's life.

His grandfather was somewhat a Gillian but living with him at this point made it great to know that he was loveable, the only thing that had curbed that great heart of his was a story Chris would have loved to hear but his grandfather had just died and that story would be farfetched from him.

As they gathered to bid farewell to their beloved patriarch, Chris couldn't shake off the concern he felt for his mother,
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