Chapter 1482
Upon hearing the news, Roco first froze, then chuckled.

"So, Uncle Roger has been caught twice already! Looks like there might be a third time! I warned them that Salt City's waters run deep, but they just wouldn't listen. Can't blame me, can you?"


The following morning, Roger and his companions were released.

They were rough, stalwart men, yet they were in tears at the police station, crying from hunger.

The police felt a bit uncomfortable witnessing their pitiful state.

'Could they really have been starved like this?'

When the cheese pies were brought out, they really scrambled for them!

Witnessing this scene, the police finally confirmed their speculation. Still, they had to compensate where due and pay fines.

Roco escorted them out, saying, "Uncle Roger, let's just leave it at that. Let more capable folks from the family come over. The waters here are too treacherous for us to handle!"

Roger had suffered a setback twice already. He would likely visit the Innova Group a
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