
“The aliens are getting ready for a full scale invasion. That thing you see in the sky is a portal. And they are coming very soon. So the base needs as much soldiers as possible” sergeant Brook said.

“I see. As you can see, I have a full army and we are ready to fight. We don’t need to join forces with anybody” Hector replied.

“You know how strong the aliens are. All humans must fight together. We have weapons. Very sophisticated weapons” sergeant Brook said.

“Am sorry. You have to leave now” Hector replied.

Disappointed and unsure of who these people are, sergeant Brook simply stood up and turned back. He walked away without looking back.

Back at the camp, everyone was disappointed by the number of people that formed the human federation base army. Astra assigned sergeant Brook to train the new recruits which they began immediately.


King Adriel has finished all necessary arrangements for the final invasion. While they were making the plans, they have successfully kept th
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