Team Rojess
Unquestionably, Jess genuinely missed their days of training and collaborative duels when they both came out at the top of their squad by working together. The collaboration between the strong and the cunning fox obviously looked nothing short of amazing and the impact of their attacks was nothing a little less than deadly.

It always thrilled everyone that their collaborative techniques looked harmlessly beautiful but at the same time was very fatal; a thing no one dared to mess with but at the moment things had gotten more serious that they barely had time to even sharpen their collaborative battle techniques much less go on a mission together.

She had always dreamt of the day they would fight by each other's side once more but never had she thought that the enemy would be so huge at this moment the thought of who their enemy was made her dread his insinuation.

All along she had not seen that request coming else she would have found means of preventing him from bringing it up but
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