Ancient Evil

Alexei placed his hand onto the Warp Gate and sent a pulse of magery through the system.

He’d never actually had to operate one of the things before, but thanks to his more innate relationship with magery it was a bit like opening a book and simply reading from the pages.

He placed his palm onto the stone and it fed information directly to him and allowed him to open a temporary link between the gate he was standing next to and the gate that was back in Alandria.

It opened with a sputter at first and then, as Alexei made the link between the gates more solid, it blazed into life with a swirling blue glow.

“You really are full of surprises now, aren’t you,” Harold said with a shake of his head, he couldn’t believe how different his friend had become compared to the last time he had seen the man.

“Just a bit of advanced magery,” Alexei shrugged, “What did you expect me to do when I got kicked out of the Academy, go become a merchant somewhere?”

“That probably would have been the sm
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