Flowers for Emily?

The person who lay on the hospital bed in the city central hospital when James entered, looked nothing like his wife Emily Turner.

Emily who was attacked by multiple modified Indonesian needlefish endured numerous puncture wounds, potentially deeper and more widespread compared to a single normal needlefish attack.

On the hospital bed, post operation where Emily lay, she was displayed in a series of stitched and bandaged wounds across her body, especially around her limbs and torso.

The overall effect gave off the idea of a badly mutilated rag doll. The kind of thing you might read about or see in a horror movie, but this was no movie, this was the city's central hospital and James was struggling to process the image of the damaged figure he was looking at.

Just a few weeks ago, Ethan their son had been excited about the prospect of his mother finally returning home. The house was just not the same without his mother and although his dad performed his fatherly duties to a fault,
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