AOE : Age Of Extinction

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AOE : Age Of Extinction

By: Author Bellion OngoingSci-Fi

Language: English

Chapters: 11 views: 637

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In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, Amelia possesses the rare ability to shapeshift into a zombie, a secret that has kept her alive but also made her a target for those who hunt zombie shapeshifters. When she meets Logan, the commander of a warband with his own shapeshifting secret, she finds herself drawn to him despite the danger. But when Logan is kidnapped by the powerful Jaden Federation, Amelia must risk everything to save him, including forming an unlikely alliance with a colorful group of allies. As they navigate the dangerous wasteland and the threat of the Jaden Federation, Amelia finds herself caught in a love triangle with Logan and the expert rescuer Max. But when they are caught and sentenced to death by Jaden Hartman, the leader of the Federation, Amelia's long-lost father, everything changes. As Amelia and her allies plan their escape and the downfall of the Federation, they are haunted by the ghosts of those they have lost. Will their love survive the harsh realities of the apocalypse, or will they be torn apart by the constant danger and uncertainty of their world? This gripping and emotional tale of love, loss, and survival will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end. (I am the sole owner of the copyright for this book's cover)

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  • Cephano Kiss


    Author don't be lazy, update more fass fass make we read🥲

    2023-07-02 00:31:16
  • nomomok128


    good so far, nice one

    2023-06-02 15:48:41
  • farone6018


    Logan could have just been so good if he did not turn out to be a coward

    2023-06-02 15:45:12
  • cawanic421


    love this, now I can't get my find off it ...

    2023-06-02 15:38:33
  • Katty klean


    The English is good too. and I just finding myself wanting more ...

    2023-05-18 20:12:03
  • Katty klean


    updates please. the suspense ...

    2023-05-18 20:10:07
  • Fated To an Ultima


    Amelia and Logan seems to never be on thesame side ...

    2023-05-18 20:07:47
  • AI Art


    very nice. update more please

    2023-05-18 20:05:03
  • BeJaden


    Enjoyed everybit of it. just like another sci Fi zombie, but the twist makes sense. where's the updates?

    2023-05-18 20:01:11
Latest Chapter
11 chapters
We've all heard of zombies in books and seen them in movies, but no one could have predicted the cataclysm that turned our once-beautiful green planet into a world infested with the undead. The virus spread like wildfire, forcing humanity to flee like prisoners from their own homes. They had to be careful where they went, always watching their backs, or risk being torn apart by the bloodthirsty monsters that roamed the surface. Those who were lucky enough to escape the initial outbreak made their way to the safe haven of "ATLANTA."The EMP cloud was a mystery that would haunt humanity for years to come. Billions perished and were transformed into zombies by the EMP cloud radiation before the government could even begin to address the issue. The world became a desolate wasteland, with only distant cries heard in the silence as the EMP cloud claimed 80 percent of the global population. In the last transmitted message, it was said that "ATLANTA" was the last hope for the remaining humans.
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Undead Attack
Amelia knew that her ability to shapeshift was both a blessing and a curse, as it made her an outsider in a world where trust was a scarce commodity. Yet, it was a power that could also save her life.The hospital hallway was a dimly lit, ominous space that reeked of death and decay. Amelia navigated the dark corridor, relying on her acute vision to spot the hordes of Zombies lurking in every nook and cranny. Some of them bore wounds from the last Federation army raid, with gaping bullet holes that oozed blood and pus. It was a chilling reminder of the horrors that awaited those who dared to scavenge for resources in the wasteland.As Amelia made her way to the medicine storage room, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She despised having to assume her Zombie form as it changes her appearance completely, her beautiful long black hair turned white and tattered and her skin turned wrinkled with spots and stinking black blood escaped her body occasionally, but it was the only wa
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Undead Attack 2
The towering turrets hung ominously from the walls, their formidable presence a stark reminder of the constant threat that loomed outside the survival base's gates. These powerful weapons could have been the key to the base's defense in times of crisis, but their potential remained untapped. The base was plagued by poverty, forced to prioritize the basic needs of its inhabitants over costly energy units to power the turrets. As the attack drew closer, the base's defenders prepared themselves for the inevitable onslaught. A formidable force of heavily-armed survivors stood resolute at the gate, their weapons at the ready. Others perched atop the tall fence and wall, scanning the horizon for signs of their enemy. With every passing moment, the tension mounted. In the midst of this chaos stood Amelia, her lightsaber sword slung casually across her back. She was a formidable warrior, and her mere presence instilled a sense of confidence in the base's defenders. But even she was taken ab
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Modest Amelia
The shelves in the store had clearly been looted before, possibly during the early days of the EMP when the zombies weren't as ferocious due to the scarcity of items on the shop shelves. However, what caught her attention was the book section located in the far corner of the store. She helped herself to a comic book and gradually transformed back into her human form, taking a torch from her pouch to illuminate the pages. After finding a good hiding spot behind the shop counter, she settled in to read. Holding the comic book in her left hand and the torch in her right, she flipped through the pages, engrossed in the story. As she read, she came across a surprising topic that the comic book delved into, namely BDSM. Puzzled by why anyone would endure pain to fulfill their sexual desires, she continued reading until she suddenly felt the urge to touch herself. However, she quickly stopped when she heard a noise at the door, causing her to become alert and on guard. #present Day..."I t
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Final Blow
Suddenly, the wasteland was suddenly filled with the thunderous sounds of approaching helicopters. Amelia and Logan's eyes darted in every direction, searching for the source of the sound. The presence of helicopters was an anomaly in this barren land, and it immediately caught the attention of the survivors in the survival base. Perplexed, they wondered who could be flying the helicopters, as they were a luxury afforded only by the powerful Jaden Federation. Before they could make any sense of it, seven heavily armed helicopters bearing the insignia of the Jaden Federation appeared on the horizon, hurtling towards the survival base at breakneck speed. Amelia and Logan's faces lit up with recognition, but the other survivors were thrown into dismay. They knew that the hordes of zombies that lurked in the wasteland were now much closer to their base, and they were ill-prepared to face them. In a frenzy, the survivors and the Warband retreated to the safety of the underground bunker i
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Her Adopted Father
As the first rays of morning sun emerged over the horizon, the desolate wasteland revealed a haunting scene. The lifeless bodies of zombies lay scattered around, silent testaments to the fierce battle that had taken place. Among them, the colossal Roshan King's massive form was motionless, a gaping hole in its body and purple blood splattered around. "Come in, Bravo Two! Life signs detected. Requesting permission to search for possible survivors in the devastated base," a member of the Jaden army said, clad in a sleek white EV suit and armed with a laser-powered gun. With determined steps, she approached the remains of the base's fence. "Copy that! Permission granted!" came the response over the Jaden army's communication system. Amelia, still trapped in her zombie guise, slowly regained consciousness. The bright sunlight initially obscured her vision, but as her senses sharpened, she could make out Logan's lifeless form lying a short distance away. Struggling through the pain cour
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Acquiring A Warband
Acquiring a warband within the wasteland was relatively straightforward for those who could provide food to willing survivors. However, assembling a warband for the purpose of infiltrating the Jaden Federation and rescuing a prisoner would prove to be more challenging. Amelia understood that she needed brave and trustworthy individuals for the task at hand, individuals who wouldn't flee when faced with intense battles. To gather men willing to join her in saving Logan, Amelia knew she had to seek assistance from Logan's scattered warbands, now dispersed throughout the Survival base. It didn't take long before she came face to face with a young man of imposing stature, engaged in conversation with a survivor. "Hey!" Amelia called out to him from behind. The bulky man swiftly turned, uncertain whether Amelia was addressing him or the person he had been speaking with. "Me?" the bulky man asked, puzzled by Amelia's sudden call. "Yes, you!" Amelia replied, squinting her eyes against the
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Amelia's eyes slowly opened, accompanied by a pained groan, and she found the Chief sitting beside her on the hay bed. "Don't try to get up; you have a broken arm!" The Chief warned as he noticed Amelia's attempt to rise from the bed. Amelia, in a haze of pain, couldn't recall how she had sustained her injuries. She questioned the cause of her broken arm and the throbbing headache that worsened with any movement. "What happened?" Amelia inquired, her voice low and strained. The Chief was puzzled, wondering how Amelia could have forgotten the chaotic situation she had found herself in the previous day. "You really don't remember anything at all?" Amelia's gaze fixated on the cloth shielding the tent from the scorching sun outside. In that moment, her memory abruptly returned, vividly recalling kicking a man in a sensitive area and subsequently being grabbed by the neck by another man who demanded an apology for her action. "Where is he?" Amelia asked pointedly, now that the piece
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The Third
"That's not true!" Amelia exclaimed, her face displaying disbelief at Kai's words. "Believe what you want. But remember, we are a team with a common goal here," Kai muttered, expressing his weariness of being in the bunker as he made his way towards the exit. Amelia stood rooted in place, watching Kai walk away. She felt a tinge of annoyance that he had left without giving her a chance to respond to his statement. "You traitor!" Amelia muttered under her breath, making sure Kai, who was still at a distance, couldn't hear her. Frustration surged through her, and she stamped her foot on the ground, only to be met with a sharp pain in her hand, causing her to cry out. Kai swiftly turned back upon hearing Amelia's cry, casting a concerned glance at her as she clutched her arm in agony. "More problems while the current one remains unresolved," Kai remarked, retracing his steps to Amelia's side. He reached out to touch her broken arm, but Amelia halted him with a stern look. "Hey, don
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Targeted Doppelganger
Amelia's face lit up with delight. "Seriously?!" she exclaimed, her mood instantly brightening.Duncan rolled his eyes, dismissing Kai's claim. "Don't believe him. He's just trying to pull one of his pranks on us because..."Before Duncan could finish his sentence, Logan interrupted with a triumphant shout. "I've got one!" he announced, eager to share his own revelation.Amelia turned her attention back to Kai, her curiosity piqued. Kai sat confidently on a rock, his smile beaming like a superstar about to unveil a surprise. "Tell me, who is he?" she asked, her eyes bouncing between Kai and Duncan.Kai adjusted himself on the rock, assuming a confident pose. "I knew him through a friend. He was really skilled with electronics, but he could be a handful sometimes," he explained.Amelia nodded, considering Kai's words. "Well, that's still better than having nothing!" she remarked, a glimmer of hope in her eyes as she weighed the possibilities.Duncan couldn't contain his skepticism an
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