Chapter 7 - Questions and a Little Bit of Answers

[Character Name]: {Françoise} [Title(s)]: {Lackey}

[Species]: {Human} [Occupation]: {Pirate} {Slave}

[Level 30]

[Age]: {37-year-old}

[Class]: {Swordsman} {Novice Gunner}

[STR]- 20 [VIT]- 20 [MEN]- 1

[DEX]- 1 [INT]- 1 [LCK]-50

This information popped up when I stared at the woman. Though her stats looked mediocre, mine was completely inferior to hers. I was like an ant standing in front of a cyclops, ready to eat me for its next meal. Luckily, that wasn’t the case in this situation.

It seemed that I also gained the ability to appraise someone’s level and power, but not to the extent of my capabilities. Nevertheless, there was more than this passive-like ability. It should be. Maybe by tinkering with my system, I could upgrade my appraisal technique and learn more things about anything in this world. But that problem was for the future me to solve.

I also found it abnormal to read the word “slave” beside her occupation. I thought the people tried inside were slaves. But little did I know that even this pirate - even though she was free - had shackles around her neck. Well, she also had a “lackey” description on her title. Maybe it was true. Nobody knew.

The bulky woman in front of me had tan skin, with a cutlass sheathed in her scabbard. This woman didn’t even try hiding her weapon. The girl revealed her weapon in plain sight, telling everyone she was ready to fight.

She wasn’t by any means fat. That girl was just massive for her physique. And her eye bags worth a hundred hours of lack of sleep rested near her nose as if mocking any sleep-deprived person. It was horrendous to look at. There was not a chance I mocked the girl. However, I thought I had insomnia thanks to juggling my jobs and my academic life. Nonetheless, this woman destroyed my expectations. I had no other choice but to meet the lady eye to eye and converse with her.

Fuck. My hands were shaking? Was it because I was talking to a woman, and my heart fluttered like a bird? No. I didn’t have this phobia at all, considering that I had a sister inside my house. Although I didn’t see her as a woman of interest, Kirameki was indeed more beautiful than most women. So these emotions swelling inside me weren’t like that. Even though this girl never showed it, she had been keeping her powers in check, preventing anyone who could notice it.

If I had to guess her age, I’d say this person was around her mid-forties or older. However, she didn’t look like a MILF - er, a mother I would like to... or a really old woman. Nevermind. If someone heard me right now talking about a lady’s age, my life might be in danger. Despite my horrible accusations, those muscles told me otherwise. I could tell the amount of work she had experienced because those muscles weren’t displayed for nothing. Even the ends of her clothing screamed at the lady, implying to everyone that it would be ripped off at any given moment. So that was why she was somehow wearing fewer clothes… Or, should I say, armour clothing that covered her private parts but gave tons of defence in her stats. It was the trend back in my world, where female characters wore this underwear. And the game developers called it “a suit of armour”. But from where I had come from, I called them lingeries.

What a stout lass. What a fucking disgusting human being. I wanted that body, too. Albeit she had muscles for fat, Franciose still had the curvature of an hourglass that worked well with feminine bodies. This woman also had melons jiggling in front of her chest every time she traversed the room. And my eyes couldn’t have enough of it. It also looked to me like Franciose was a pirate without the tricorn hat, a hook for her hand, or a pole replacing her amputated leg. That girl also had a tray filled with food in her hand. Maybe those plates were meant for us. And the meal prepared by god knows who appeared vibrant and nutritious compared to the ones fed on detainees back in my homeland. It wasn’t appealing compared to any restaurant, but it was enough to call it cooked food.

Even though this woman had a face of a devil, she might be a kind person after all. Or maybe I might have already spoken too soon.

As soon as the girl reached this floor, she scanned the area and placed the tray in front of us. She didn’t open the cell’s doors. But now that I had realised it, the open crack resembled a space enough to fit the tray inside. So when the convicts or slaves trapped inside their cages received their share, they immediately rushed towards the plate and devoured anything in sight. Within seconds, the food disappeared. It was a barbaric scene, but I didn’t blame them for it. There was a chance that I didn’t know this world, and judging people might be a little too hasty.

“Did you make this food?” I asked. “It smells great.” I might have sounded like I was trying to flirt, but I wasn’t. She was alluring, but not my type at all.

“Shut up. I will kill you.”

“Yes ma’am,” I answered almost in an instant.

The moment the woman finally went to our reach, she met my eyes. Before she could even place the tray in space, the girl raised her eyebrow and shrugged her shoulders. She then eventually offered us free food.

“I can see you aren’t a broken man. I’ll crush ye barnacles if you try something funny or if I find out you’re a spy sent by the Kingdom,” the pirate queried, as she went closer to our cell. “The name’s Françoise.”

“What a gorgeous name you have there, milady,” I uttered.

The woman growled at me like a tiger and replied, “Do you value your life?”

I stopped. I shut the fuck up and shook my head with my hands, guarding my neck.

She was even polite. The woman even introduced herself to me, even if I didn’t ask. So I told her my name and shared our identities as well. However, when I tried extending the conversation, the woman was brutal. Well, I got the idea, since I was a woman. And my words seemed like I was trying to flirt with Françoise, even though I only wanted to talk to her. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t even have a single clue why… we’re here. By the way, I’m Arata. Arata Kazuto. This is my sister, Kirameki Kazuto.”

“How old are you two?” Françoise asked once I finished my sentence. She still had a blank expression, as if concealing her emotions. I didn’t find it odd, so I let it be. It was peculiar to ask for someone’s age, especially when we were slaves. I had no idea the rights or limits slaves had, which was described in my system’s notification, but I knew that one wrong move could end my sister and my life. And what was the difference between the lass’ slave’s description and ours? I didn’t have a fucking clue. These people would also have various standards and cultures if this were a different world.

I resumed talking with the brawny mind in a polite tone, hoping I could somehow establish rapport. If I could earn any freedom or privilege from this, everything should be worth it.

“I’m eighteen years old, and my sister right here is fourteen. It doesn’t look much, but… my sister needs medical attention. I’m not demanding anything for now, but please don’t harm Kirameki. She’s the only family member I have,” I said, as if begging for our life.

But I wasn’t on my knees. I only said those words because I was desperate enough to see Kirameki have the life she deserved. I didn’t care if fate included me in the equation. As long as Kirameki could enjoy the little time she had in this different world, that was good enough for me.

“Orphans, huh? Aye. I see. Well, for now, I’d like you to come with me. We will meet someone, and he will be the one to decide your fate.”

Without a second of doubt, the woman attempted to open the gates. But she didn’t use a key. After a while, the girl extended her hand and stretched her palm. Françoise then concentrated with all her might, channelling something from her hands. Soon, a faint light illuminated the cell. And a magic circle appeared in between the prison and in front of the woman. My system also notified me about the occurrence, informing me that someone had cast a spell. And it came from her.

But what did it mean when someone cast a spell? I didn’t know. So I examined Françoise, hoping I could learn a lesson or two. My heart pounded a snappy beat as if it was playing the electric drums, and my eyes were blessed by a shimmering light. Afterward, the metallic bars, which were more rigid than compiled human bones, vanished in the air. And when I tried peeking through the open, the space didn’t block my hand. I went through the cell, and I was free.

“No fucking way this is real,” I murmured, and wanted to deny everything I witnessed. But it transpired in front of me. It happened. The only thing I had to do now was to believe in the farfetched incidents without putting any thought into them. If I followed the Science and logical reason of my planet, none of this shit would make sense unless I was working as staff inside a movie set or a theatre.

It was absurd. But that moment alone confirmed my theories that we were really living in another world. I wanted to ask if that was magic. But I would turn out to be the stupid one in the room. Of course, it was magic; you fucking dumbass Arata! What else could that be?! Totally normal. Totally.

Fortunately, the woman in front of me showed no signs of hostility. Although I trusted no one after what I had been through in my previous life - technically - I didn’t let out my killing intent while keeping my guard up for anything.

When Françoise opened the cell for us, I told Kirameki to follow me. Although my sister was a heavy sleeper, I intended on waking her up for the sake of moving us outside the cell. Knowing that Kirameki was stuck inside a prison didn’t sit right for me. Then again, this was another world where our values differed.

But once I walked outside and made an effort to pull my sister with me, the woman just extended her hand and shook her head. “Only you. Talk with the boss, and then he might let her free.”

I hesitated. However, I didn’t have a choice. And besides, Kirameki could eat something after waking up. My sister could also take a portion of my share, considering she longed for a decent meal. I… I had the same sentiments as her, but Kirameki was my sister. My only family member left in my life. Giving her the best treatment with my power was the best reward I could receive. Thus, I placed Kirameki back on the makeshift mattress and caressed her hair. She slept like an angel. Kirameki was the only person I cared about, and I would do everything to protect her.

“If I hear you someone lay one finger at my sister, I will-.”

Françoise cleared her throat and cut me off with my sentence. “Aye aye, boy. Dead men tell no tales.”

“What does that mean?” I queried.

“It means that we, pirates, mean no harm to anyone involving your sister. You have my word. I wanted to say it’s a parley, but… you are not a pirate…”

Well, that was easy. Without breaking a sweat, I managed to find a bodyguard for my sister. For the time being, I heaved out a sigh, knowing that Kirameki was in good hands. Or, at least, for now.

However, something was off. I couldn’t tell what it was, but I knew my guts all too well. The way everything went smoothly as ever only meant one thing. And that was trouble.

Thanks to Françoise’s words, I realised that she was only taking us. She left the other slaves or people inside this brig as if they were unimportant. It also seemed I caught this woman’s interest, and by showing us to the captain of this ship, something could happen. Dread filled my air, unsure of what was going to unfold. I could only hope for the best while squeezing some answers from the woman.

“Why? Why did you choose to talk to us rather than those slaves inside the cells? You could’ve chosen anyone inside those cribs, yet you didn’t even bother asking them if they wanted to join our little exploration? And who are you?”

“You’ll find out soon enough,” Françoise responded, leading me onto the ship’s platform. 

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