Episode 100: at the mercy of zombies

At the far end, Joe was no longer seeing the road. He thought his eyes were deceiving him. He shook his head to clear his vision but nothing changed.

As the bike approaches the end of the road, it is now clear to Joe that the road has ended and there is only a farm land at the end. A field full of grasses long enough to hide the whole of the bike.

Nadia continued to shoot at the level three zombies. But her aim was not good enough to make a short that will put the zombies at a stop.

The faster the bike goes, the closer the level three zombies come.

As much as Joe wants to slow down, he also doesn’t want to be caught by the zombies. He drove into the farm land not knowing what is in it or how it will feel like for him.

As soon as the bike hit the first ridge, Nadia jump behind the bike so high that she was twice the height of Joe who was busy trying to concentrate on the road.

At this point in time, Nadia could no longer shoot back at the zombies. The only thing she could do is hold Jo
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