Chapter 76

Alpha Derrick's POV cont'd

She can't be serious in anyway.She possibly can't be serious.I need a math tutor??.Hell no!!!..

Alpha Derrick Anderson doesn't need anyone to teach him how to do algebra?? He doesn't?!...

‘Look i don't know where you're going mom but i sure as hell don't like it'..I spoke up after a minute of silence...

‘Don't be difficult Alpha Derrick let Lina be your math tutor,I've talked with your principal and she seems to be the best candidate for the job,she's the best student in your class and she got an A in math'..Mom replied and i groaned.I glanced over at Lina who seemed to be buried in the book she was reading but still i noticed the smug smile at the corner of her mouth.B -tch!!!...

‘Look mom I'm not ready to stoop so low to that cricket's level mom i don't want to her to be my math tutor!!!'..I screamed and ran upstairs before she could

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