It's MY fight not YOURS

Caroline and Kamira were about to face off each other, even though Kamira knows that Caroline is strong she doesn't actually know her extract peak in a fight so it was a problematic situation, on the other hand, Caroline was ready to engage at any time with full confidence

"What's the holdback Kamira? You said the next attack won't miss me"

Caroline told her with a smirk

"I giving you one last chance to come back Caroline, I will not be so forgiving"

Kamira said while she created star-like spheres around her, Caroline also got into a fighting position

"Whoa your famous Stars! I bet they can do massive damage, anyways, I said I won't let you punish me, so if you are ready, strike me"

Caroline said, in a flash, a beam came out of Kamira's star, Caroline swiftly dodged the attack, the attack traveled to a mountain in the distance creating a massive explosion

"Your attacks are something else!"

Caroline complimented as she charged at Kamira, Caroline tried to punch Kamira but she used one
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